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Audrey's P.O.V

Today had been a good day. Chloe and Rory came around but left before the show since Rory was still a little too young for it. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I met them. Now, we were all chilling in the green room. I was texting my mom about planning for the holidays since I wanted to come by.

Mom                       Audrey

So when could you make it?

Only after Christmas, probably around the 29th

Won't work, your dad and I are leaving the 29th

Wait, you're going on vacation? You didn't tell me

Sorry, I thought you'd be able to come before. When does tour end?

Only the 23rd
But I have to go back to LA and stuff

What about the 25th-28th?

Too expensive for my prices

Maybe you could after the holidays? The prices would be lower


*end of messages*

I can't believe this. I'm going to have to spend the holidays alone. In one of the worst places. I throw my phone to the side and get up from my spot on the couch.
"Bathroom." I say, starting to walk towards the door.
"You don't have to tell us where you're going all the time, you know?" Awsten smiles.
"If I didn't, you'd ask where I was going. I'm just answering before ask."
"Well, you got that right."
I leave and walk around to try and find a bathroom. Since I can't find it, I stop a crew member.
"S'cuse me, where can I find a bathroom?" I ask him.
"There isn't one backstage, so you'll have to go over there, then up and to your left." He says, pointing around.
"Thank you."
I head out from the backstage area and notice they're letting VIP in. Gotta make it quick. A few fans notice me and wave, so I wave back. Might sneak around the pit before while parx are finishing the M&G pics and meet some people.
I walk up the stairs and turn left, like the guy told me to. I find the bathroom and enter. I lock myself in a stall, trying to keep my cool. See, I didn't really have to pee. Maybe a little bit. I came here to try and not panic since I didn't have a holiday plan, and I'd have to spend the 'most wonderful time of the year' in the same city as him. Imagine if I run into him. What do I do then? I don't want to deal with him. Usually, I would've still gone since I could've hung out with my friends, but this year they're out of town for the holidays.
I finally pull my shit together, actually use the restroom, wash my hands and head back down the stairs. The boys had started their meet and greet already, so we wave at each other while I walk towards the backstage entrance. A few fans who were already done with their pictures stopped me for some quick pics, which I didn't refuse. We talked a little bit and I headed backstage. This lightened me up a little.

The show went smoothly, the crowd was amazing, it was a lot of fun. It helped me forget about all the stuff that was happening earlier. We were loading our equipment back into the bus, ready to hit the road once more.
"You ok?" Jawn asks, giving me a kind look. "You look a little bummed out."
"I'm alright. I am a bit sad, I guess. I wanted to go see my family for the holidays but it won't work out." I shrug.
"Awe, that sucks."
"What sucks?" Awsten says. "The fact that I'm going to beat you in Mario Kart tonight?" He smiles.
"Not exactly."
"Oh. What's up, then?"
"Can't see my family for the holidays."
"Oh, yea, that sucks. Real bad. What're you gonna do for the holidays then?" He questions, empathy and sadness taking over his features.
"Dunno. Is there a way to play Mario kart online?"
"Uhhh... Geoff! Come here!" Awsten calls.
"What?" The quite tall man says.
"Can we play Mario kart online?" Grape guy asks.
"Yea, there's a way to do that."
"Cool. Then I guess I'll treat myself to a Wii U and Mario Kart and maybe play with some friends when they're not busy celebrating?"
"Ooo! Which friends?"
"Ahh, you don't know them."
"Try me." Awsten smiles.
"Ok. Well, one of them looks like a grape. Or a prune. Or anything purple. The other one is taller than the grape. He, uh." I look at Geoff. "He has a triforce necklace. Nose ring. The other one, I don't even know if he has a Wii U. I'm not sure he's real either. And they're all friends. And they're all in a band. They're really good, you've probably never heard of them though. You should check them out when you can." I say, watching as Awsten's smile grew bigger as I went on.
"Maybe I don't know them after all." He crosses his arms.
"Yea, neither do I. Wanna play Mario Kart online sometime?"
"Sure." He giggles. "What about now too? It'll cheer you up a little. Hopefully."
"Oh? Something wrong?" Geoff chimes in.
"Not a big deal, don't worry about it."
"M'lady. Shall we?" Awsten says, offering me his arm.
I take it. "We shall." I say, as we walk towards the bus.
"Are you just gonna leave me in the dark about all this?" Geoff says from behind us.
"Just ask Jawn." Awsten tells him, making me chuckle. Or cackle, as Awsten would say.

"Aaaaand another win for me!" I exclaim, raising my arms in the air.
"I'm letting you win on purpose!" Awsten tries to defend himself.
"Lies." I poke him in the stomach.
"Oh yea? I'll show you lies." He drops his remote on the couch and starts tickling me.
"Awsten!" I manage to say while I laugh, "stop!"
"I'll stop!" He continues to tickle me.
I continue laughing, trying to get out of his grip. I eventually wiggle myself out but fall on the floor, where he just continues to tickle me. Guess he was going to show me lies after all, since he obviously didn't stop.
"I'm gonna pee myself! Please!" Tears start forming in my eyes. Of joy! Tears of joy.
"Are you being for real?"
"If you don't..." I laugh. "if you don't I'll put my pee filled pants in your bunk with the curtain closed..." I laugh some more. "So the smell will really be in there!"
"Ew! No! Fine, go. Don't pee in my bunk or anything!" He gets off of me and I run to the bathroom.
It had a few ups and downs, but this day was pretty good after all.
I think about what had just happened. Awsten was on top of me, tickling me. I blushed a little. He was just... perfect, you know? His eyes, his hair, his body- not in an inappropriate way, I promise. How we fit perfectly together when cuddling. You know, I'm pretty sure that date wasn't only as friends. Maybe, just maybe, I could be catching feelings. I blush some more. I should go out there and ask him on a date. Wait, maybe not in front of everyone. I think things will be slow between us if anything happens anyways, since we're busy with tour and stuff. Hold on- what if he doesn't feel the same? I would look like a fool. I play with my green tips. Neither of us are probably ready for a relationship anyways. But maybe it's worth a shot, right? I don't know. I don't think I should be mixing love with work. Maybe my brain is messing with me, pretending that I'm falling for him when really, I'm not. No, that's stupid, I made that up. Maybe I should distance myself a little. Just a little bit, so the feelings can go away for now? No, that would be a bad idea, they would notice. That thought gets replaced with Jason. That fucker. I remember the first time I tried to distance myself from him. He noticed and gave me one hell of a bad time. So I should probably not try that again.
But they're not Jason, Audrey. He's not Jason.
I'm going to play it safe for now.

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