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Audrey's P.O.V

I refuse to believe there are only 2 shows left. How did it go by so fast?
I untie my docs and sit on the couch. We checked out of the hotel and we are about to leave for Houston. I pull out my computer from my bag. Awsten sits besides me.
"Movie?" I ask him.
"Sure! I just have a little thing to do first, actually, I'll be there in a sec." He gets up and goes to his bunk.
I plug in my headphones and open Netflix. I look around to try and find something to watch. It's Christmas in a week and a half. Oh shit, I didn't get the guys anything. Will do that once we're in Houston. I open my phone and click on my notes app, writing down ideas for them.
Geoff: something Pokémon or legend of Zelda related
Otto: chocolate
Jawn: trolli candy or whatever it's called
Lucas: trolli candy too?

I was stuck on what to get Awsten. I wanted to keep a similar budget for everyone because, well, I don't want to seem like I have a favorite. So, no rings, they're too much. I don't think he needs a necklace, he has his feet. Maybe a necklace? For when he doesn't want the feet? I'm sure I could find a cool not too expensive chain necklace. Also I'm not sure what to get Lucas so I think I'll stick with candy. And I have to send stuff to my friends and family, so I'll get on that soon.

Awsten: chain necklace

I open and Twitter and scroll through my timeline. I post a tweet.

@ AudreyW: How are we already almost done with tour?? I don't want to go home yet!
|@ user1: i had so much fun!! Come back on tour soon please!!!
||@ AudreyW: that would be fun I would like that

| @ user4: It went by so fast wtf
||@ AudreyW! I know right I feel like I just started a week ago??

I close my phone. What's taking him so l- nevermind, there he is!
"Alright, what are we watching?" He plops down next to me.

Finally arrived in Houston! The guys and I all head to Walmart.
"I'm going to shop for Christmas gifts. I'll meet you guys later?" I say.
"Sure." Lucas says.
"Alright. See ya." I turn and walk towards the candy aisle.
I easily found the gifts for Jawn, Lucas and Otto. Now for Geoff. I head to the video game section. What could I possibly get him? I find a necklace with a legend of Zelda sign. It's not the triforce, he already has that, but it's related to the game, that I know. I asked my brother to know, since I don't know much about that game. Now, for Awsten. I walk to the jewelry section. There we go! A nice, simple, cheap chain necklace. I think and hope he'll like that.
I walk around the stores and add a few random goodies for them, then I go back to the candy aisle and pick something for myself (I have a sweet tooth), then finally pick some gift bags for all the gifts, all different so I could tell them apart easily.
I head to the self check out and pay for my stuff. I take out my phone.

Awsten            Audrey

I'm done and I paid already I'll wait for y'all at the exit
But take your time I don't mind
I'll just sit in the McDonald's

Got it, we're almost done anyways

I close my message app and scroll through my social media.

"Audrey!" I hear. I look up. It's Awsten and the guys.
I smile and get up, picking up my bags. "Hey again." I say, walking to them.
"Sorry for taking so long." Otto smiles as we start leaving.
"Don't worry about it." I shake my head. "I think sitting in that McDonald's made me hungry. Anyone else?"
The guys agree and we pick a place to eat lunch.

Right before we left the restaurant, I went to the bathroom with my bags and set up the gifts for the guys. I walked out and distributed them.
"What? What is this?" Jawn asks, smiling.
"Christmas gifts. And thank you gifts." I answer, sitting down.
"Why the thank you?" Lucas asks.
"For bringing me on tour!" I smile.
"Dude, you didn't have to. I- we didn't even get you anything.." Awsten says.
"You got me an amazing experience!"
"That's really cheesy." Awsten replies.
"I know. Now go, open them."
They all open their bag.
"Oh my god." Jawn says. "I fucking love these! Thank you!"
"What? What is it?" Awsten asks, curious.
"Fucking Trolli candy! Yessss! And some other candies!"
"Me too!" Lucas smiles.
"Ooo I got chocolate! Hell yea." Otto says.
"Thank you so much Audrey!" Geoff says.
"Yea, that is so nice of you." Awsten adds.
I shrug and smile, my face feels a little hot. "No biggie. Thanks again for taking me with you!"
"I say," Awsten puts his bag down, "we all pay for Audrey's lunch in exchange."
"What? No, no need." I reply.
All the guys agree and I do not have a choice. Well, who's to complain about a free lunch anyways?

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