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Audrey's P.O.V

I've been back in LA for a few days now. Three days, to be exact. Awsten and I have been keeping touch, hopefully it stays that way. Especially after the kiss. I liked the kiss. It was sweet and it had a mint taste to it, probably from a mint he ate before. I would enjoy more kisses, if I'm being honest.
We agreed on meeting today. He's leaving for Houston tomorrow, then he's back for a bit, then he leaves for Europe. I was about to leave when I heard knocking on my door. Which was weird- if someone wants to enter the building, they need a key or they need someone to open up for them. Maybe it was one of my neighbors?
I open the door. Awsten?
"Hi, when did I ever give you my address?" I greet him.
"Haha, what? Anyways. I got you something! Christmas gift from me and the boys. But mostly me." He smiles, handing me a plastic bag.
I raise an eyebrow and take the bag. "Ok..?" I open it. "What... pet stuff? You know I don't have a pet, right?"
"You don't have a pet... yet."
"Right, and I wasn't planning on getting one soon, I'm still getting settled in, as you can see." I show the boxes behind me.
"That's a shame. I'm sure your cat won't mind the boxes, though."
"What cat?"
"Well, you're the one who's going to name it, so I don't know yet."
"We're going to the shelter!" He says, smiling.
"Wait, what? Really?"
"Yes! Let's go before all the cute cats get taken away."
"You're getting me a cat for Christmas? Dude, I got you a chain necklace from Walmart and candy. That doesn't compare."
"It's from all the guys and I." He shrugs.
"Still! I got them candy, Awsten." I protest.
"Well... I don't have anymore excuses. You already have the cat stuff, come on." He proceeds to drag me to his car and take me to a shelter.

And that's the story of how I got a cat. His name is Loaf. Why loaf? He's kinda fat and he has a bunch of caramel colored spots (he is mostly white). I didn't call him caramel because that's too simple and basic. We (Awsten and I) have nicknamed him all of the following: Bread, Lo, Loafie, Breadstick and baby. He's half deaf (poor baby) and he's the sweetest cat ever.
"Thank you for the cat. You shouldn't have." I smile, petting Loaf.
"I'm glad I did, though. You should've seen your face when you saw him." He pours some water into bread cat's (oh, a new nickname) bowl.
"He's cute." I reply.
"Cuter than me?"
"Mmmm..." I look at Awsten, making a face as if I was thinking very hard. "No."
"Good." He giggles.
"Take a picture of me and Loaf?"
"Sure." He takes my phone as I hold Loaf in the air above my head, recreating the lion king.
"Thank you." I take my phone and open twitter.

@ AudreyW: Loaf! *picture*
||@ AudreyW: Got it

I close my phone.
"Wanna go and grab some Starbucks?" I ask the purple haired man.
"Yes, I'd like that."
"Then it's a date. I'm paying!"
"I'm driving!" He says as we leave and I lock the door.
"You're not, we're walking. It is literally down the street."
"Oh, ok then. I'm walking!"
We giggle.
"Can I give you a kiss?" He becomes a slight shade of pink.
"Yes." I also become a light pink. I get on the tip of my toes and our lips touch. He's still got that mint taste. How does he always have a minty taste? Does he eat mints when I'm not looking? This is sorcery.
Maybe I'm in love. Just maybe.

Sorry, another filler chapter. I am done with my exams! And this story hit 4K reads, what the heck y'all

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