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Audrey's P.O.V

Here we are again. The green room. The boys are currently at their meet and greet, so I'm all alone. I get more and more nervous as the minutes pass by. Practicing my songs again, since it makes me feel a little better. I have to wipe my hands ever like 30 seconds.
"What's up! We're back!" Awsten says as he walks in.
"Hey." I reply, not turning away from the music sheets on my phone.
"You're still practicing? My god."
"Shut up! I'm nervous."
"Audrey, I promise that there is nothing to worry about. Everything will be great!" Otto says.
"Yea. And we're getting pizza after!" Geoff says.
I chuckle.
"Ok, how about this. The amazing green room we are in apparently has a Wii U, so do you want to play Mario kart?" Geoff says.
"Thanks, but no thanks. I want to practice more. Sorry. But I'll play in the bus after the show! I love Mario kart." I reply, with an apologetic smile.
"Since you love it," Awsten says, "you're going to play!" he crouches down and takes my phone.
"Wh-???" I say, terror in my eyes.
"Dude, relax. You're good." He says.
I look at the ground, trying to calm myself down. The stress only seems to get worse. I stand up, turn around to face the guys, the room stays silent for a few seconds as we all stare at each other.
"I'm.. I'm going to the bathroom." I say, as I walk out the room.

Otto's P.O.V

"To be honest, Aws, that was kind of a shitty thing to do." I say.
"I was just trying to make her calm down! She seemed really stressed and a Mario kart game always helps!" Awsten argues.
"Maybe not for her! Maybe practicing before the show helps her relax!" I reply.
Awsten tries to find something to say, but doesn't.
"I'm going to check on her." I say as I grab her phone from Awsten's hand.
As I walk out, I bump into a crew member.
"Hey, is Audrey in there? She's on soon." They ask.
"Uh, no, but I'm going to get her now." I reply.
"Alright, thanks." They day and walk away.
I walk up to the bathroom door and raise my hand to knock, as it opens up.
"Oh!" I exclaim.
"Uh, here's this for you." I say as I hand her her phone.
"Thank you." She replies.
"Also, a guy said you're on in a few, so if you want to run a last quick little practice before, you might have the time."
She softly smiles.
"Thanks Otto. I think... I practiced enough."
"Are you sure, or is this about-"
"No, no, I'm sure."
"Alright then... have fun out there!" I give her a pat on the back before I walk back to the green room.
"She ok?" Awsten asks as soon as I walk in.
"Yea. I think."
He looks down.

Awsten's P.O.V

I fucked up. I fucked up! I'm so dumb. I should've let her done her thing. I'm a terrible person. Oh my god. Oh my god!!!
Is all I think about while I scroll down to check my twitter feed.
Audrey finally walks into the green room, and I instantly stood up.
"Sorry about earlier. I should've let you practice. I'm really sorry."
She takes a minute to process it all.
"Uh, it's ok. I had to go to the bathroom anyways."
"I'm really sorry."
"Dude, it's ok. You don't have to keep saying sorry, it's fine." She says, with a little smile.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. 99% sure."
"What's the 1%..?"
"The fact that I could use this occasion to make you pay for all the pizza. But I'm nice, so I won't." She smiles, holding in a giggle.
I let out a relieved sigh.
"Thank god!"
"Instead you're going to let me beat your ass in Mario kart."
"Fine." I say, with a smile.
"Ok, go perform now, loser."
"You too, other losers! You're all losers! We're all losers!"
We all laugh as me and the guys head out to perform.
Sorry for a short chapter!! Going to make it up to you in the next one!!!

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