✰︎ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2 ✰︎

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I took a quick glance of all five of them. They were all cute, hot and handsome, like I said earlier.

Okay, I just added handsome.

I noticed a tall brunete on the very left. He looked like the oldest and someone with who you can have great talks with and go to for some good advice.

Next to him was standing a cute boy with bleached blond hair. He had a cute smile plastered on his face which could make you melt easily and he looks like a really nice and kind guy.

In the middle there was a boy with brown hair and rosy cheeks. His rosy cheeks made him look really cute and he looked like the youngest out all of them, but he didn't look much older than me.

Maybe a year or something.

Then next to him I saw a boy with curly hair.

And I thought that I had curly hair but his....

I still liked it.

He had a nose piercing which is pretty cool, and he seemed a bit mysterious, but overall a nice guy.

And as last, a boy whose bright blue eyes stood out. His eyes exposed his personality of being an really kind and sweet guy.

I can't wait to get to know them all.

"Hi, I'm Chelsea Grace Harris. I'm seventeen years old, an senior, and I will show you around my school today. And I will also be with you for these two upcoming weeks while you're here." I introduced myself with a smile. "To be honest, I don't know much of you. Like I know your names but not the faces that belong to them. I don't know your age or your background. I didn't search that up. I didn't feel like I needed to and it's not like I'm gonna interview you or anyhing. I listened to a few of your songs and I like them but I wouldn't exactly call myself a fan. And yeah, I know something else of each one of you but I'll tell you that later."

The boys gave me a warm smile and looked at each other before one of them spoke up.

"Well hi, I'm Jonah Marais but my full name is Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich and it's nice meeting you. It's also nice knowing that you don't know anything about us, so we can just get to know each other and maybe become friends?" The tall brunette asked, smiling in a unsure way at me.

"That's a long name, Jonah." I  laughed a little which made him chuckle in response. "And yeah I would like that. It doesn't hurt making new friends." I returned with a smile.

"So wait, are we gonna say our full names now?" The boy with rosy cheeks asked confused which made me laugh once again.

"Yeah I guess." Jonah shrugged.

"Okay, well I'm Zachary Dean Herron. But please call me Zach." The boy smiled. I smiled back.

"Okay, Zach." I turned to the boy with the bright blue eyes who spoke up.

"Hi, I'm Daniel James Seavey." He also sent me a smile, showing me not only that they're very friendly people, but also that he has a tooth gap.

And let me just say, it's adorable.

"Hi Daniel." I replied while the boy with curly hair spoke up.

"Hi Chelsea, it's nice meeting you. I'm Jack Robert Avery and I like your curls, are they real?" A boy with...noodle hair asked?

Did he spill his food on the way here and did he forgat to fix it?

Bad joke, I'm sorry.

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