✰︎ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 7 ✰︎

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I got straight up to my room, trying to avoid my brother. I laid down on my bed and turned on my tv to watch Netflix. I grabbed my phone and turned my notifications back on. I then turned on a movie and started watching it. But during the movie my phone kept going off. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to turn my notifications back on. I grabbed it to see that people started to send me DM's. I didn't really understand it. As I wanted to go to Instagram to see what was going on, Harley texted me.

I'll first get to her. This can wait.

Chat: Harley Bea

Harley Bea☺️:
Hey girl, how's it going?

Good, the boys are so nice and
kind. We are really having fun

Harley Bea☺️:
That's good to here! I saw
your photo with Zach on
his acc.

Oh haha, really?
Yeah I gave him the bandana's
I showed you. He really
liked them.

Harley Bea☺️:
Yeah it looked really cute.

Yes we're besties now😂

Harley Bea☺️:
What about me?
Did you replace me

Of course not!
He's my boy-bestie and you're
still my girl-bestie😘

Harley Bea☺️:
but I actually wanted
to ask if you noticed
something different on your
Insta acc?

Yeah some people sended me a
DM and stuff, but then you
texted me.

Harley Bea☺️:
Maybe you should look.
Harley Bea☺️:
A lot of people commented on
your photo together. Some
where nice, some where......
a little less nice....

Ahhh......yeah I will look now then😅

Harley Bea☺️:
Yeah, and text me later again
Harley Bea☺️:
I want to know everything
about the boys😉

Haha of course! I have lots of
stories to tell you!

Harley Bea☺️:
Bye! Goodluck!

Thnx, and have fun with
your boyfriend!😘

End chat

Let's see what they commented.

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑻𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑺 𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑬 ✰︎ cmb [✓]Where stories live. Discover now