Chapter 23

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Daniel's POV

"Come on people! Corbyn and Chelsea will be back in 2 hours and we still have to decorate everything!" I yelled and started to give everyone orders. Today is Corbyns birthday. We congratulated him of course but Chelsea and him got out right after. She told him they were gonna go to Logan for a vlog. She and Logan are actually holding him busy while we make the house ready and take care of the guests. So all our parents and siblings and mostly Corbyns family members. Also the ones from The Netherlands and his famous nieces. He will be really happy to see them.

I blew up the balloons and smiled as they were all done. I helped Jack with the cake and then the doorbell rung. I opened it to see Zach's parents and siblings.

"Zach!" I yelled and he came running out of the livingroom. He jumped up and down smiling and then pulled them all in a group hug. I smiled and Jack's family was there and so were Gabbie and baby Lavender. I let them in and brought them to the kitchen. He looked up, smiled and dropped the spatula to hug them all. Gabbie and him kissed and he took Lavender over, placing little kisses on her face. I smiled at them and continued Jack's job as he was catching up with his family, still not letting go of Lavender. The bell rung again and Harley opened it. She came back with Jonah's family. Jonah smiled and ran up to them. They all helped us setting everything ready and then my family arrived, same time with Corbyns. I hugged my parents, then hugged Tyler and Christian. As last I hugged Anna and we pulled away. She helped me finish the cake and I saw Chelseas parents and brother coming together with, I guess Harleys family. She told us she had a younger sister and she really liked our music.

"Jonah?! Can you open the door?" I asked and he nodded a bit confused. I heard him opening the door and saying some greetings. He got back with them and Harleys sister was hugging him around the waist. She was smiling really big. As soon as Harley saw them, she ran up to them.

"Okey people! Corbyn and Chelsea will be back in half a hour!" I yelled and everyone nodded. We got back to work and I got a text from Chelsea.

Chat: Chelsea💕

how's it going there?

Pretty eyes👀💙:
It's going great!
All the family's are here
and we're almost

'Cuz we will be there in
10 minutes!

Pretty eyes👀💙:


otta go!

Pretty eyes👀💙:
Pretty eyes👀💙:
Get back her right now!
Pretty eyes👀💙:
I swear to god Chelsea I will
get you back for this!

End chat

"Change of plans people! They're gonna be here in 10 minutes!"

"What?!" Everyone yelled and I gestured them to keep going with what they were doing.

I timed the next 10 minutes and when the last second dropped and my timer got off, I heard a car door close. I looked through the window to see Chelsea and Corbyn getting out of the car with Logan filming them.

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