Chapter 30

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Chelsea's POV

~ Next day ~

"Chelsea get up! It's Christmas!" I instantly sat up and smiled.

Christmas. Christmas!

I jumped out of bed and looked outside the window. Snow was covering the whole street and it was completely silent. I smiled to myself and heard my door getting opened. Before I knew, I was spun around in the air. I laughed and and screamed.

"Zander! Put me down!" I yelled laughing but he dragged me through my door, down the stairs.

"Merry Christmas to you too!" He said and I chuckled.

"My bad." I said and cleared my throat. "Merry Christmas Zander."

"Better. Now, come on! Mom and dad want to open the presents! And no way you're gonna ruin this for me." I rolled my eyes playfully and we arrived in the livingroom. He putted me down and walked over to his girlfriend to kiss her.

Awhh how cute! He invited Jessica over to spend Christmas with us. Ow how much I want Corbyn to be here to spend it together with him....

"Merry Christmas Chelsea." I looked up at her smiled. I went over to her and pushed Zander away so I could hug her.

"Merry Christmas Jessica." I replied and we then pulled away. I got over to my parents and hugged them too while wishing them the same. I already kinda hugged Zander and wished him a Merry Christmas so I just sat down on the ground. Zander came sitting behind me with Jessica cuddling into him. My parents sat down on the other side of us.

"First present is for Zander." My mother said as she grabbed a present from under the tree. And this was actually how it went. We opened presents and gave each other some. I didn't really get a present but it didn't bother me that much. I only want one thing, and they already know. But it is a bit difficult to give a human as present. And I have to wish him Merry Christmas before I forget.

"Chelsea dear? Your gift will arrive a little later." My mother said smiling and I nodded.

"Yeah it was kind of a last minute one." My dad answered and chuckled. I looked at him confused but shrugged it off as soon as I saw the chocolate cookies. I ate one after one until Zander grabbed them away from me.

"Enough for you now." He said and stuffed his mouth full with one. "You will ate everything alone." I shrugged and smiled.

"That are just facts." He chuckled a handed Jessica one too.

The rest of the day was like every year. We watched movies together on the couch with blankets, chocolate cookies and our own made.⬇️


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