✰︎ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 6 ✰︎

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Jack's pov

I woke up still a bit tired from yesterday. I sat up and looked at Zach. He was still asleep. I looked over to Corbyn's bed where he laid Chelsea down, even tho she insisted before she would sleep on the couch. But the bed was empty. I grabbed my phone and it was eight o'clock No way that that girl is already up. I looked over at Zach, grabbed my pillow and threw it at him.

"What do you want, man?" Zach groaned. "I'm trying to get some sleep."

"Look at Corbyn"s bed." I told him and he looked confused at me, then at the bed.

"Where's Chelsea?" Zach asked and sat up too. "Do you think she.....?"

"Let's check it out." I got out of my bed and Zach did too as we both walked to the door. We listened to it and there came no sound out of the room behind it. We looked at each other and nodded, slowly opening the door. We peeked around the corner and we could see something on the couch. We slowly walked over to the couch and saw both Corbyn and Chelsea laying on it. I smirked at Zach and we got closer. They were cuddling. Corbyn was shirtless and his arms were around Chelsea as she was pulled up close to his chest. They were both smiling and I knew there was something more between them.

"Let's wake the others up." Zach whispered and he was about to walk over to the other bedroom.

"Wait." I whispered and grabbed my phone to make a picture of them. "Okey now we can wake up the others." We both chuckled lightly and walked to the other bedroom and opened the door. We walked over to Jonah and Daniel's bed. "Guys, wake up." I whispered but they didn't react. "Guys." I whispered again but now shook them both a little.

"What?" Daniel groaned and moved to the other side.

"Guys there is something you need to see." Zach told them.

"Can't that be later?" Jonah groaned. Zach and I looked at each other and then at Jonah and Daniel.

"It's about Corbyn and Chelsea." We both said in sync and Daniel and Jonah jumped out of bed.

"What are we waiting for? Show us." Daniel said and Zach and I chuckled as we got to the door. I opened the door and Zach and I pointed at the couch. Daniel and Jonah both looked confused but then the four of us came closer. They looked a bit shocked when they saw Corbyn and Chelsea cuddling on the couch.

"How long have they been laying there?" Jonah whispered as he grabbed his phone.

"We don't know but the bed was empty when we woke up. And we all noticed yesterday that Chelsea can be really stubborn." I whispered chuckling as the others nodded while making pictures.

"Look at their smiles." Daniel whispered and laughed. "Did you see him that happy since the break up with Christina?"

"No, actually not. I think this was good idea. And Chelsea is good for him." Jonah joined in. 

"Not only for him. I have a new bestie." Zach whispered smiling but then frowned. "I want to cuddle with her."

"Oh shut up, you have Jack." Jonah whispered and Zach and I rolled our eyes at him.

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