✰︎ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 10 ✰︎

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Chelsea's pov

I woke up and looked around. I wasn't at the beach anymore, but in the boys' hotel room. I recognized a few clothing items, knowing I was on Corbyn's bed again. I sat up and grabbed my phone.

Almost 8 o'clock.

I got out of Corbyn's bed and walked out of the room to see the boys playing video games and stuff. I smiled and walked over to my bag for fresh clothing to get changed in since I was planning to take a shower after all that swimming.

"Boys I'm gonna take a shower!" I shouted when I found my clothes.

"Okay!" They all replied back, not even looking at me since their eyes were focused on the screen. I rolled my eyes at them, letting out a small chuckle and headed to the bathroom. I pulled my clothes off and turned my playlist on before getting in the shower.

After, I think fifteen minutes, I got out again and threw my pjs on which was an oversized hoodie. I smiled at myself in the mirror and let my hair as what it is. I picked up the rest of my clothes and got out of the bathroom again. I put them all in my bag and took a seat next next to Jonah on the couch. He was currently playing against Jack. I watched it a little but later got bored so I eventually grabbed my phone to watch musicvideos of the boys with my Airpods in. They were all great and then I came across a lyrics video of Unbelievable. I clicked on it but after a few seconds started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Daniel asked confused, like the other boys.

"Ow just something unbelievable." I said and laughed. It took a few seconds before all the boys faces got a shape of red and ran to my side to watch my phone. Jonah then grabbed my phone and shutted it off. "Hey! I was watching something." I said and tried to reach for my phone but he was too tall.

"Yes we know. That's why I grabbed your phone." Jonah answered, causing me to chuckle.

"But how was it to run there in the desert, naked, while being recorded?" I asked, causing Jack to throw a pillow at me.

"Not funny." He rolled his eyes slightly while I laughed. They all continued to play their game and Jonah handed me my phone back. But I first had to promise that I wouldn't watch that video again.


I switched to my galery to the photos we made today so I could post one. I searched through them for a little bit but then found a good one.

"Are you gonna post that picture?" Zach asked as he came sitting next to me, looking at my phone.

"Yes." I smiled and opened Instagram.



🌍 The Netherlands

Itschelseaharris 🌍 The Netherlands

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