✰︎ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3 ✰︎

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Corbyn's pov

"Hey man, wake up! We have that tour today at that school who won the contest remember?!" Jonah shouted from outside the bedroom I shared with Zach and Jack in the hotel.

Normally Jack and Daniel would share one but we wanted to change it up for once. In return the guys and I promised to keep our rooms clean for both Jack and Daniel.

I groaned and got out of my bed to see Zach and Jack already being gone so they are probably in the restaurant for breakfast.

Christina called me three months ago. She said things aren't going so well between us since we are both so focused on our own careers. I noticed it too but I never wanted to admit it. We decided to break up, even tho we still love each other. I told the guys and they all felt sorry for me. It was hard at first, but now everything is going good I guess. And today we have this touring thing at a high school in The Netherlands which is probably gonna be fun.

But there doesn't pass a day by without me thinking at least once about Christina.

(A/N Okay, please don't hate me. I support Corbina, and they are really cute together. This is just for the story❤)

I got dressed and walked out of the room and downstairs to the restaurant. I saw the others already waiting for me.

"Good morning." The guys smiled when they saw me approaching.

"Good morning." I said back and we made our way towards a table. "So who is gonna be 'touring' us around the school?"

"I don't know. I thought a student. I heard she was a good student with great grades and she's really nice and kind." Daniel informed us.

"It's a she?" Zach asked and we all turned to look at him with a 'are you serious' look.

"Don't think anything of it Zach." Jack shoved him a little.

"Chill, I just thought it would be nice to make a new girly friend, you know? A girl as friend?" Zach asked like we were dumb to think immediately at that.

"I hope it for you." I answered, rolling my eyes slightly.

Not long after that we got breakfast and finished it. Then we got to the loby and straight to the parking lot to our van. We hopped in with Jonah in the driver seat and me in the passenger. The other three sat in the back.

Normally Eben would go with us too but he is gonna stay at the hotel today to chill.

Jack put his playlist on and we sang along with the songs. We then arrived at the school which we were supposed to be going to and parked somewhere in the parking lot.

The school looked pretty good, but different than the onces we went too back in America.

"So here we are guys." I spoke as I looked outside through the window.

"Yes, let's go." Zach replied. We nodded, getting out of our van. We walked to the main entrance and noticed a pretty girl standing there, waiting for us. She smiled warmly and softly at us. We stopped in front of her and returned the smile. She introduced herself and the boys and I looked at each other. We all thought the same thing, and that was that we could be our fully selves since she doesn't know anything about us.

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