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Chelsea's pov.


"Chelsea! I thought you would talk him out of it!" Jonah excliamed as he, Harley and the boys were looking at Daniel's hair.

He told us he wanted to dye it in another colour. And not brown, black or blond. But pink, purple or blue.

Colours that really stand out.

The boys and Harley were against it and Jonah asked me to get him to not to do it since I didn't really had a opinion about it.

"I tried!" I defended myself.

"Oh really?" Jonah raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.



"Oh come on, Dani. You're not serious about this, are you?" I asked Daniel, cauzinh him to look dead serious at me. "Oh no, you are." I sighed. We were currently outside the hairdresser and this was my last chance to get him out of it.

"Yes, of course! Come on I really wanna do this. Please, just go in with me." He begged me. I looked at him.

I told Jonah I would get him out of it.

"You can choose the colour of my hair." He suggested.

"Let's do this!" I smiled excitedly, pulling him with me inside the hairdresser.

I get to choose Daniel James freaking Seavey's hair colour!

*End Flashback*


"You chose the colour blue?" Jack exclaimed. I nodded with a proud smile.

"Don't you like it?" I asked, pointing over at his hair.

"Don't worry guys, it will only last for a week or two, maybe three." Dani answered simply from the couch and grabbed his phone.

"See? Nothing to worry about." I shrugged and grabbed my phone too when the screen lit up.



🌎LA, California

🌎LA, California

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