✰︎ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 11 ✰︎

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I woke up because of my alarm, me being the only one. I turned it off and tried to get up but got pulled back immediately by arms around my waist. I looked back to see Corbyn being fully asleep next to me. I groaned a little since I'm still really tired. I carefully removed his arms from my waist and got up, grabbing my clothes. Only when I did, they smelled like the sea of yesterday. I got a bit nauseous of it so I searched for something else in my bag but I only found my black leggings. I sighed and thought about maybe using a hoodie of one of the boys since I don't want to wear this hoodie.

It's way too big.

Ugh, I'll just ask Zach for one.

I tried to wake Zach up but with no luck. I gave up after a couple of minutes and started debating if I should ask Corbyn. I don't know what he meant yesterday, and I'm afraid he doesn't want to be friends with me when they're going back. I got a little sad.

I thought we were friends.

Good friends.

I caught myself crying a little so I will just let it for now and wake Jonah, Daniel and Eben up. I headed out of the room and made coffee first before going to their room. I carefully opened their door and they were luckily still asleep and not changing or something. I first walked over to Jonah's bed, bent down next to him and placed his coffee on the ground.

"Jonah. Jonah, wake up." I said, shaking him but he just groaned. "I brought you coffee." I tried, grabbing the coffee and held it by his face for the smell. His eyes shot open and he sat straight up. He smiled at me and grabbed the coffee.

"Thanks Chelsea." I returned him a fake smile, not really getting myself to send him a real smile.

I then went over to Daniel and woke him up. It was a little easier than Jonah and I didn't need anything. As last I headed over and woke Eben up.

It didn't take long either.

"Goodmorning Chels." Eben greeted me tiredly but with a smile.

"You can't call her like that." Jonah reacted as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Only Corbyn can." Daniel added.

"I don't care anymore. Call me whatever you want." I sighed at hearing his name and walked over to the door.

"Everything okay Chelsea?" Jonah asked, getting worried just like the other two boys.

"I just- ugh forget it. I'm gonna wake the others up." I answered.

Even his name makes me sad now.

"Okay?" Daniel said more as a question, confused but still worried. I got out of their room and opened the door to the other room again. I headed in and woke Jack up first.

"Jack, wake up." I bent down next to his bed and shook him a little. "Jack. Jack." I said again and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Morning." He replied and smiled a little. I fast walked off to Zach, trying to wake him up again. I didn't really feel like smiling. At all.

Maybe they're all gonna forget about me.

Maybe that's what their plan was from the beginning.

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑻𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑺 𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑬 ✰︎ cmb [✓]Where stories live. Discover now