✰ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 19 ✰

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Corbyn's pov.

"Come on everyone, Jonah is already in the car!" I shouted from the front door.

"Look out!" I quickly took a few steps backwards when Jack came skateboarding past me. He jumped of it after he reached the car, getting in.

"Don't worry, I'm here too." Daniel answered and walked up to me with Harley trailing behind him. "Good luck with those two." He pointed upstairs. I looked confused at him, hearing screaming and yelling.

Zach and Chelsea.

I groaned, causing Daniel to chuckle while Harley sent me a smile. They reached the car and stepped in too.

"Zach, Chelsea! Come on! You're the last ones! And don't make me come get you!" I shouted back before hearing them groan as they came walking down the stairs. Zach walked passed me, Chelsea stopping to look at me.

"You know, technically you're the last one, sucker!" She told me before running off to the car. I chuckled and locked the door behind me.

She's such a child.

I got in the car and sat beside Daniel. Jonah started the car and drove us to the studio.

"I have a question." Chelsea spoke up, casuing us all to look at her.

"Is it a smart question?" Jack asked.

"Depends on your opinion of 'smart'." She shrugged. The boys and I sighed.

"So that's a 'no'." Jack answered, causing Chelsea to roll her eyes.

"Anyways, why does Jonah have to drive?" She ignored Jack.

"Who else would you like to drive?" I asked her.

"Well, me." We all looked at each other before bursting out in laughter. "What's so funny?" She asked us confused.

"You really think we're gonna let you drive?" Harley asked with a laugh. "You remember last time?"

"It's not my fault, okay? Zander was distracting me!" She tried to defend herself.

"Yeah yeah, but if you would've watched the road then that cat would still be alive!" Harley pointed out and the boys and I looked shocked at Chelsea.

"You killed a cat?!" Daniel exclaimed.

"It was a accident, okay? Can we just drop it?" She sighed.

"Fine, but this only gives us more reasons to not let you drive." Jonah spoke as he looked at her through the little front mirror.

"Compared to you, I am even a better driver." We all looked at Zach as he spoke and shrugged.

Never thought I'm gonna agree to this, but yes probably

"Hold on mister," Jonah spoke up and looked at Zach. "you are as bad."

"Why? Which animal did I kill?" He exclaimed.

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