✰︎ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4 ✰︎

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Chelsea's pov

As soon as we arrived at my house, I saw Zander opening the door and watching us. I told the boys that it was my brother and they just nodded. We got out and I gave each of the boys a hug, starting off with Zach since he was already standing next to me. I then hugged the rest, ending with Corbyn. His hug was a little bit different than the others but it was good different. I smiled as I broke our hug and the boys greeted my brother. He smiled back and waved at them. The guys then got back in the van and I took a few steps backwards.

"See you tomorrow, Chels." Corbyn said as he rolled down his window. I wanted to say something back when Jonah pushed himself between Corbyn and the window.

"Wait, do you need us to pick you up tomorrow morning?" He asked, completely ignoring Corbyn's existence.

"Yeah that would be great. " I answered with a smile.

"Kay, bye." They all waved and smiled at me. I returned it and watched them driving away. I turned around to see my brother looking at me. He was still standing at the same spot.

Why do I have a bad feeling by this?

"Chels huh? I thought that only me and Harley could call you like that." He said smirking and I rolled my eyes at him. I walked past him and in the house with him following me. I kicked my shoes off and he was still following me. "And I told you not to come home with a boy and you came with 5." He said and I turned around to him before walking on the stairs.

"Technically, they weren't IN the house. They were outside on the driveway. So I still didn't brought a boy home." I said smirking a bit and felt my phone in my backpocket getting off. I grabbed my phone to see I have been added to a groupchat.

"Is it one of the boys." Zander chuckled. I looked through the unknown numbers and counted five.

"Nope." I replied and he started to walk away. "It are all five of them." I said in a rush and ran up the stairs before he could come back. I rushed into my room and heard Zander shout something but I chose to ignore it. I opened my phone again and got to the group chat that was exploding with text messages.


Group chat: Best 2 weeks eVeR🔥

Where is Chelsea?

I don't know man, why don't
you just call her?

Nah, too desperate.

^ True

It feels so good to be wanted😊

There she is.

Yeah so can everyone tell their
names pls so I can change all
the 'unknowns'?

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑻𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑺 𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑬 ✰︎ cmb [✓]Where stories live. Discover now