✰︎ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 9 ✰︎

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Chelsea's pov

I have been hanging out with Harley, mostly at night, and with the boys on daytime. The boys met my parents and my brother proparly and they really got along. The only thing was that Zander was teasing me with Corbyn for some reason, but yeah. It all has been really fun. There are only two more days left before the boys have to go. So a full day tomorrow and then they have to go to the airport the next day. I really don't want them to go. They've become my best friends and we are so close now. Especially Zach and I. We're really besties. But also Corbyn and I are close. There's something special between us. I don't know what it is, but I do know that I don't want him to go.

I was thinking about maybe going to the beach or something. We haven't been there yet. And then I could stay the night.

I grabbed my phone and opened our group chat.

Group chat: You'll see😉

Hey guys, so since our fully last
day is tomorrow, maybe we can
go to the beach and I can stay
the night at your place?


Pretty eyes👀💙:
Sounds goodd

Will I see you at my place, at 12?

Pretty eyes👀💙:
Sure, we'll tell the boys.

Great, see yah all tomorrow❤

See yah!

Pretty eyes👀💙:
Bye Chelsea

End group chat

I smiled and got ready for bed since it was already night. I told my brother and parents about tomorrow and they were all fine with it. I said goodnight and got to bed.

I scrolled through Instagram and watched a lot of Youtube videos but still wasn't sleepy yet so I decided to text Harley.

Chat: Harley Bea☺️

Hey girl, I'm bored

Harley Bea☺️:
You serious?
Harley Bea☺️:
It's almost 12 by now!

But you're still awake🤔

Harley Bea☺️:
Yeah good point.

Harley Bea☺️:

Harley Bea☺️:
What yah gonna do tomorrow?

I'm gonna go to the beach with
the boys.

You can come along if you want?
You havent met them yet.

𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑻𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑺 𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑬 ✰︎ cmb [✓]Where stories live. Discover now