✰ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 17 ✰

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Chelsea's pov.


I groaned and slowly opened my eyes.

Where am I?

I sat a bit up and looked around.

Oh yeah, the boys house.

I was the only one in the room left.

Might as well get up then.

Even tho I'm too tired for today.

I grabbed my phone, getting up and got changed in a pair of blue ripped jeans and a white croptop. I let my hair and face natural.

I got out of the room and walked down the hall.

Everyone is probably up already.

I got downstairs and into the kitchen.

"There she is." I looked up to see Dani smiling at me. "Had a good sleep?"

"Stop with being so happy, please. I am so tired." I mumbled and sat down on a chair. A few chuckles were heard.

"You know it's one p.m., right?" I looked up and Jonah laughed. "Even Zach was earlier out of bed than you."

"Well I had too. Corbyn was making too much noise." He joined in, looking over at Corbyn.

"Sorry, but Chelsea slept further." He simply smiled. "Or wait, she did say something."

"What do you mean? What did I say?" I asked concerned.

Sometimes when I wake up, I am still not fully awake and I can say some pretty weird stuff....

"Oh you just said that I couldn't leave since you wanted to cuddle again." He laughed, causing me to blush.

Could I be more stupid?

I looked over at Jonah and Harley and I recieved a smirk from both of them.

"Anyways, that's what you get for not going to bed." Jack joined in and I rolled my eyes.

Like he is such a good listener.

"We were too tired and everything we needed was already on the couch! Plus, we have a jet lag of nine hours!" I defended Harley and I.

"Yeah okay, and we should've known that they would sleep there. I mean, it is Chelsea we're talking about." Zach answered and I nodded in agreement.

It was predictable.

"Jonah? Can I get a coffee, please?" I asked him. He nodded. We talked some more and decided to just stay in for today since Harley and I were both tired.

And, like I said, we had jet lag. We were nine hours behind our originial time.

We first watched Netflix and it was fun. Later on the boys did a livestream and answered a few questions.

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