Part 39: Babysitters

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Ella's PoV
We are currently in the car on the way to Amy and bens house, they are babysitting us as mummy and daddy are out for most of the day at an Awards ceremony.
"Here!" Mummy said as the car drove into Amy's driveway. "Oh look there's Ben."

"He,s watering the plants," Riley burst out laughing, "I don't know why that's funny, but I think it's hilarious!"
She kept on laughing uncontrollably until they got out of the car, "Ahahahahaha." She giggled, then breathed almost to calm herself.

"Hello, what's the matter with you princess?" Amy asked at seeing Riley nearly collapse with laughter,

"It's Ben, he's watering the plants!" She continued.

They all pulled a 'and that's funnny because?' Expression at her and she must have read it, "No, I've just never seen a celeb watering their plants,"

She started off with another bail of laughter and then once Amy had picked her up, she calmed slightly.

I walked inside with Brielle and Alex, along with Jess and Zack, and we saw that Amy had loads of toys out in the living room. "You guys can go play, there are some toys in the living room, I'll make some dinner."

I took Brielle and Alex into the living room after I had a chat with Amy about things and we talked about dance and the twins, things like that. "Look at all these toys Ells!" Jess said to me, showing me various ones she had picked up at random, "There's loads!"

That was true, Amy had loads of toys, but she didn't even have any children, but I suspect that in the future she will, Ben and her would make such great parents, after all, she teaches the youngsters at AIM (Art In Motion) Her dance studio.

She placed some food on the table, sandwiches, chips, chicken nuggets, all of our favourite things and she sat Brielle and Alex in a kids chair so they wouldn't fall, plus they aren't even tall enough yet, to sit in a proper chair.

"Thanks Amy." We all said, starting on the food, "You are very welcome babies."

Oh I love Ames.

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