-1- New School, More Drama

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You walk into your new classroom at UA. You look for your desk and sit yourself down. You take a second to look around the room and the first person you see is a small, green haired, boy quietly writing in a notebook. 'He looks like he must be lonely...', you thought.

Deku's POV

I sat down at my desk and started writing in my notebook when I noticed a (S\G) with (H\C) hair looking directly at me. I quickly look back at my notebook ignoring (S\G).


You get up and walk towards the green haired boy but your stopped by a spiky, blonde haired, guy. "Huh?" He steps in front of you blocking your way. He had an angry look on his face. "Oi! What were you going to go do? Huh?!" He asked in an angry tone of voice that made you feel intimidated. " I-I was just gonna go talk to that green haired boy... " You reply. His face begun to look even more frightening. The whole class at this point was looking at you and the spiky haired dude. He looked straight into your (E\C) eyes. "Stay away from him! You hear me?!" You nodded nervously and he walks away. 'What the hell?!'

Bakugo's POV

I see a (S\G) with (H\C) hair walking towards Deku and I did not like that (S\G) was going to talk to that nerd! I get up out of my seat and walk in front of (S\G). I noticed right away that (S\G) uniform was tight on (S\G). "Oi! What were you about to go do? Huh?!" I was angry and when ( S\G) replied, "I-I was just gonna go talk to that green haired boy..." , I got even more irritated. "Stay away from him! You here me?!" After ( S\G) agreed I left. 'Why is my face so hot?!'

[Book 1] Baku x Reader x DekuWhere stories live. Discover now