-8- Long Days Of Torture: Day 1

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Your body was covered in a bloody mess of cuts and wounds where Toga had cut and stabbed along your entire body. Your clothes were torn and your whole body stung with every move. Toga laid asleep next to you. You hadn't gotten any sleep since you had been held captive. There was no window allowing light that indicated a new day though you suspected that you had already been in their custody for two days. The door to the outside opened and you saw Shiguraki walk in with a bag that seemed to hold clothes. He threw it at you. "Get changed. We're gonna have some fun today." He grinned and left yet again. Toga slowly got up at the sound of the door closing. "Good morning (Y\N) Baby!~" She grinned. She got up to let you change. You empty the bag and find a white tank top with a brown pair of shorts. You change quickly and Toga leaves to inform Shiguraki that you are ready. Your not sure what's gonna happen but you assumed it was nothing good. Shiguraki came in with a brownish white jacket in his hands. "Stand up." He instructed. You did as he said because you didn't want to know what happened when you didn't. He had Toga put the jacket on you which you now realized was a stray jacket. She tied it and buckled the straps making sure you were secured tightly in the jacket. Shiguraki then handed Toga a collar with a metal chain leash attached to it that would be used to pulled you if you didn't cooperate. "This is going so well!" Shiguraki exclaimed. The blood from your wounds dripped down your body and stained the jacket and clothes you wore. Toga grabbed the leash and pulled you out of the room. The light hit your eye and momentarily blinded you. "Where are you taking me?" You asked hoping to get an answer. "Somewhere we can have some fun!" Toga squealed.

Bakugo's POV

I wasn't just gonna sit here on my ass waiting till they find (S/G)! I'm gonna find (S/G) on my own! I got out of bed quickly and headed for the door and noticed a group sitting out in the gathering hall. "What the he'll are you extras doing down her?!" I yelled at them. Floaty, Four Eyes, Deku, Shitty Hair, and Half and Half were there. "O-oh! Hey, Kacchan.." Deku was the first to answer me. "We were just trying to figure out a way to find (Y/N)!" That surprised me because I didn't think anyone else was even gonna try looking. "I'll join you dumbasses then since I already was gonna go and you guys are just dumb so it would do you good to have me." The group spoke for a little while until I got a message on my phone. It was a picture of (Y/N). I looked at the picture shocked. (S/G) was all covered in blood and was in a stray jacket. Whoever was holding (S/G) captive was holding up a syringe with a white liquid while taking a picture of (Y/N). Kirishima looked from behind my shoulder to see what I was looking at and found the picture. His face quickly went from calm to shocked and scared. "Guys...come get a look at this..." Kirishima motioned for the group to look at my phone.

Deku's POV

When I saw the picture of (Y/N) covered in blood I became fairly worried about (Y/N). (S/G) could be in danger! (S/G) must be suffering but we don't know where (S/G) is! What do we do?! We have to go save (Y/N)! "Guys, I think we should find (Y/N) as quickly as possible..Who knows what they might do in the amount of time it takes us to find their hideout..." I looked at the picture closer. The background seemed to be that of a warehouse but there are so many of those in this area of Japan. "Where should we start looking?" I asked the group. Denki was the first to answer, " We could start by finding the warehouses closest to the school? " Kacchan answered after him. "(S/G) was taken by a park that I told (S/G) to meet me at and that's when (S/G) was taken. It would do us better good if we check warehouses near the park. If we're lucky, one of those warehouses should have (Y/N)." Everyone was surprised at Kacchan's answer. He was a genius! I didn't even need to think right now, why he wanted to meet up with (Y/N).


You were dragged into a large warehouse and Shiguraki had taken a picture of you with your phone. He was about to put a syringe into you. "Your boyfriend is gonna love what I'm gonna do to you!" He grinned devilishly. He stabbed you in the arm with the syringe while grabbing your (H\C) hair. You winced as the needle pierced your skin. He injected the white liquid into your body. He smiled while all of this happened. His smile seemed more frightening than before though. He seemed excited about something. Shiguraki left the room and then came a man with no eyes or nose and was wearing a tux. He seemed to be smiling.

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