-19- Bakugo's (Indirect) Confession

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You had walked into your room and decided to clean up a little because your room was honestly a mess. Almost horrifying. You grabbed a basket you found in a closet filled with cleaning supplies. You grabbed out the duster and a basket. You started by picking up trash and putting dirty clothes in the laundry.

//Time Skip//

You had finished cleaning and you were exhausted. All of your clothes had now been put in the down stairs laundry, clean clothes were folded, trash was taken out, and dust was picked up from every corner of the room. You looked at the clock that sat on a small side table beside your bed. It read 10:17. 'Crap!' You grabbed a clean oversized t-shirt and took your uniform off, switching it with the t-shirt. You looked at the large words printed on the t-shirt. It said Bombs Away! You thought, 'Maybe this was Bakugo's...'

Bakugo's POV

Shitty Hair was still in my room. We both sat on my bed. "What's your problem?!" I screamed at him. I had no neighbors so I didn't care if I yelled. Even if I did, I still wouldn't care. My dorm had two empty ones next to it. Probably for a reason, but I didn't care. The problem was that this dunce was in my room and it is past 10:00. "Awww, come one. Tell me! You can tell me anything bro! You can't keep hiding it forever anyways!" This piece of shit won't leave me alone. "Fine! I f***ing like (Y/N)! You happy now?!" He laughed. "No! You've got to say the word!" I snarled. "I...love (Y/N)..." I said in a quiet mumbled tone. "I can't hear you!" He was at the point where he was almost dying laughing. "You heard me you dimwit! Now get the f*** out so I can sleep!" He was dying with laughter. He couldn't hold it in. "Ok! Ok! I'll leave! Just promise me you'll ask (Y/N) out!" He said through laughter. "GET. OUT. SHITFACE!" I threw a pillow at him as he left while laughing. As soon as he got out I could hear him trying to keep his laughter in as he walked through the halls trying not to wake anyone who might be sleeping.


You climbed into your bed very sleepy. Before you closed your eyes and fell asleep, you looked at the clock again. It read 10:42. You yawned and closed your eyes. You covered your self in the warmth of the covers as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

//Time Skip//

As you slept a constant flash of memories flew through your mind. Everything that happened to you after being captured. Everything before being captured. Also the plans you made with Midoriya and the texts with Katsu-kun. You woke up with a sudden jolt. Your breathing quickened. "What was that?!" You said in a hushed voice. "Where am I? What happened to me? I remember being captured and then tortured by this man but I can't completely remember what happened after that. How did I get here? Who saved me from that man?" A flash of memories came through your mind just then. "Holy crap.." You now knew your savior and everything that had happened after you were saved. Your face turned a bright red and then you started to cry. "Thank...you...Midoriya and Katsu-kun..." You said between tears.

Bakugo's POV

I laid down on my bed after turning the lights off. I covered myself in the covers and went to sleep. After being a sleep for about four hours, I wake up to the sound of footsteps in the hall. I slowly get up out of bed and open the door to see (Y/N) standing in the hall slowly walking towards the stairs. "Hey! (Y/N)! What're you doing up this late?!" I said in a hushed whisper. (S/G) stopped in (S/G) tracks and slowly turned around with (S/G) hands behind (S/G) back. "H-hey, Katsu-kun!" I hadn't heard (Y/N) use that name in a while. Something changed. "Are you ok?" I asked in a questioning tone. "Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" (S/G) looked at me with (S/G) head cocked to the side. (S/G) was wearing my oversized t-shirt and very short shorts that showed almost all of (S/G) hourglass like figure. My face turned a slight red as I turned my face to the side covering my mouth with my hand. "Just asking because you sound like yourself when just this morning you were like a lifeless doll..." I mumbled. (Y/N) looked down at the floor. "Everything has been so crazy...but I know everything now. After being stabbed, crushed, torn, and kicked by those guys I was taken to see another guy. Before everything went hazy, the guy told me that he could make me sleep for quite a long time. I didn't know at the time you were going to save me so I let him do it. He put me into a deep sleep where I couldn't feel a thing that was happening to my body. I also couldn't hear anything around me. I was in total darkness, until now. I just regained all of my memories but it seems my body awoke before my mind did so I did somethings I wouldn't normally do. I hope you can forgive me for any trouble that I put you through, Katsu-kun!" I saw tears stream down (Y/N) face. I walked towards (S/G) and my lips touched (S/G).

Thanks for reading! I know I promised it'd be earlier but it seems I broke yet another promise. ^^, I had an essay that had I had to get done for a class, so I was a little late in trying to get this done. I hope you guys can forgive me. Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter! This series will be going on hiatus for a week or so, so I can focus on school and let my hands rest for a bit. My left hand wrist has been starting to hurt lately so I hope you guys can bare with me. Anyways! I hope liked it and don't forget to comment and vote! Bye! -Shi Toshi

(1,032 words! OwO)

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