-18- More Than Friends

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3rd Person POV

The class was silent as (Y/N) stood at the front of the class. All their eyes on (S/G). She kept her head down as Shota Aizawa spoke. "Listen class. As you may know this is (Y/N). (S/G) will be joining our class from now on. As I told you, there will be a second teacher present at all times. That teacher will be All Might." The class seamed fairly surprised. "The principal has also, a few words to say." Aizawa stepped away from the podium to make room for Nezu. He grabbed a step stool and stood on it. "Hello students. As Mr. Aizawa may have said twice now, I'm gonna repeat it. All Might will be present in the class everyday for every class. He will only be there to watch over (Y/N) so do not pay much attention to him. We will have a couple classes though that Endeavor has gladly said he will take over. So for those couple classes Endeavor will be present instead of All Might." Todoroki sighed. "(Y/N) will be sitting in (S/G) normal seat. If anyone has any questions, now is the time to ask." No one raised their hand. "Ok (Y/N), you may have a seat now." (Y/N) took their seat in front of Katsuki Bakugo.


After taking your seat you looked around to see what everyone had out for the class but didn't see anything on their desks except for some that had pencils and paper. So you got out a small stack of paper and a pencil. Just then you felt a small gust of hot air on your neck. It made a shiver go down your neck and a small red appear on your cheeks. 'W-what is that?!' You looked around to see Katsuki Bakugo but he didn't seem to be doing anything suspicious so you decided to let it go. You heard a few whispers that made you start to feel anxious but it was cut short by Aizawa-Sensei's voice. "Today we made hero names but it seems that we still have one student who has yet to supply me with a name. (Y/N)." His eyes met yours. "I will give you a minute to come up with one." You nodded. He walked up to you with a white board and a marker. 'What's this for?' You assumed that you had to put it on the board so you racked your brain for a name. You had no memory of your quirk or what it was so it was very difficult. Just then a rush of memories makes you right down a name that you thought would fit nicely. Just as you let Aizawa know that you were done he motioned for you to stand at the podium. You stood up and walked towards the podium placing your board on it. Aizawa motioned for you to show the board. You reluctantly showed the board to the class. "Really? Are you sure (Y/N)?" You nodded at the classmate that had spoke up. Your board read, Hourglass . The name you had just remembered that was given to you by someone you found special but you didn't know exactly who it was who gave it to you. Yet you knew that someone was special and then decided it as your hero name.

Bakugo's POV

I wanted to laugh so hard at the smile that (Y/N) gave when (S/G) held up that board. I had given (S/G) her that name yet (S/G) didn't know a thing. That name wasn't only because of (Y/N) quirk but also because of (S/G) physique. (S/G) body had all these curves that no normal girl or guy would have. Aizawa seemed to approve so what the heck. (Y/N) sat back down and I leaned towards (S/G). I breathed a little spark of hot breath on (S/G) neck again. I could see (S/G) shiver when I did it. When (Y/N) turned around to face me I turned my face to the side with a slight smirk on my face. "I knew it was you, Katsuki Bakugo..." (Y/N) mumbled. I snickered. "You caught me..." I mumbled back.

//Time Skip//

Class ended and we headed back to the dorms. I followed closely behind (Y/N) watching as (S/G) went to (S/G) room. I turned to head to mine but not taking my eyes off of (Y/N). I entered my room and laid down on my bed like always. Jus then I hear a knock on my door. 'What the hell...' I stand up and walk to the door. "Who is I-" I was cut off by Kirishima. "Hey bro! I want to talk to you." He let himself into my room. "What the hell it your problem shitty hair?! What the hell are you doing in my room?!" He laughed. "I saw you staring at (Y/N) in class and in the dorms. I also know about you breathing on (S/G) neck and sleeping in (S/G) room that day we found (S/G). Don't think I don't know how you feel about (Y/N)." I was shocked at his words. 'Was this jerk stalking me?!'

Thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked it! I'm gonna start on the next chapter tonight and tomorrow morning so don't worry about it being as late as this one or the past chapters were. I will be sure to get it to you guys earlier or as early as I possibly can. I've also been seeing a lot more readers lately and that makes me happy! I happy at how popular that this has gotten. I may not be on a top leaderboard but I still have fans that care which is what matters to me. Thanks for ready and I will see you guys in the next chapter! Bye! -Shi Toshi

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