-7- Those Who Strike First "Always" Win

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Bakugo's POV

I walked towards my house. "Hey honey! Where've you been?" My mom yelled from across the house. "Shut up you old hag!" I yelled back. She really was a pain but this time it was different. Her sweet talking seemed to make it even worse. She realized that the tone I used was different from my usual and her smile slowly faded. "Is something wrong Baku Baby?" She dried a plate and stat next to me. "Nothing that concerns you! Now get out of my face!" She rubbed my head violently. "Now tell me what happened or something your not gonna like is gonna happen to you." Her face went from concerned to serious. "That (S/G) got (S/G) kidnapped! What did I tell you?! It was nothing that concerned you! Now leave me alone!" I got up and stomped towards my room slamming the door.


You recognized the voice of the person. You looked up to see the same blue haired man from earlier. "You bastard! Go to hell!" You screamed at him. "Ooh! Looks like someone is a little enthusiastic!" He smiled widely. You were sickened by his evil glaring smile. He signaled from someone or rather something to come over. It was a giant bird like monster. It's brain was exposed from it's skull and it had an extremely matured body. Toga backed away from you and went behind the blue haired man. "Oh sorry! I forgot that I need to introduce myself and this here friend. I'm Shiguraki Tomura and this is Nomu! You will get to know him very well." His smile grew. The Nomu approached you with a face directly in yours. You tried to use your quirk as to stop time so it couldn't hit you but you couldn't. Your quirk was disabled and was no longer useful to you. The Nomu quickly launch a punch at you but you surprisingly dogged it making the Nomu create a large dent in the wall. You didn't know what to do. You got up running and tripping multiple times but you were too slow. The Nomu easily caught up with you and smashed you into the ground.

//Time Skip//

3rd Person POV

It was time for school. The students filed into the classroom sitting down at their seats. No one seemed to pay attention to the fact the (Y/N) wasn't here. Well, almost no one. Midoriya knew something was wrong and Bakugo was there to witness what had happened to (Y/N). The teacher came in and as usual the class stayed silent. Aizawa had his usual grim face but something was different about the atmosphere. He spoke, "Today we are going to have all of the students stay in dorms from the time being. (Y/N) was taken by a group of villains and we need to make sure that the rest of the school is safe. Please do not go looking fro (Y/N) All Might, the other teachers, and me will be looking for (Y/N). In the mean time please stay calm." The whole class started talking amongst them selves as the principle walked into the classroom. He stood on a step stool as he stood in front of the class. "I know this must be a hard time for all of you especially those the (Y/N) spent so much time with but please know that we will find (S/G) and bring (S/G) perfectly safe." The class was silent as one of the students raised their hand. "When do you think you'll find (S/G)?" It was Denki who stood up. "We don't know exactly when we will find (Y/N) but it will be soon. We have been searching since this morning so don't you worry. Now anymore questions before you all head to the dorms?" No ones hands came up. "Ok. Aizawa if you would?" Aizawa-Sensei filed the class out the room and the class followed him to the dorms.



The cut in your arm opened and now you could feel as your left leg snapped. "Ahhhhhh!" You screamed. Tears streamed down your face. 'Why is this happening to me?! Of all days to do this?!' Shiguraki smiled and Toga fantasized. "Nomu that's enough." The Nomu stood up and walked away to a separate room. "How do you feel?" He smiled at you. " 'Fine' my ass!" He stepped back him face now stern. "Now someone needs to learn some manners." He signaled to Toga. "Toga show our guest how it's done here." He left and you and Toga were alone. She was smiling big and had her knife out. She stabbed your other leg and you screamed in pain. She licked off the blood and she transformed into an exact replica of you. Your eyes were wide open. "Hee hee~ Oh baby! You so cute when your in pain!" She laughed in a psychotic way. 'Why me...?' Tears streamed down your face as Toga dragged her knife all along your body.

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