-15- An Unwelcoming Reunion

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You Looked at everyone who came in. the first to step up was a yellow haired boy with a black streak in his hair. "Hey...(Y/N)..do you remember me?" You looked him up and down trying to rack your brain. "I'm sorry but who are you?" His face turned to shock when heard your answer. He couldn't believe you had forgotten him. A girl with purple hair and what seemed to be wire attached to her earlobes, patted him on the back. A girl with born hair and pink cheeks came up to you. "I know you may not remember us but we were your classmates. We wanted to say sorry and see how you were doing. You may not know this but you were taken by a group of villains and supposedly tortured by them. We don't know the full story but we do know that you were gone for over a week." It didn't seem to phase you. Yet you felt the tears come down your cheeks. Just then a rush of memories came to your mind. "Guys..." You said, your lips moving on their own. You had memories of the class and all the friends you had made that you never knew you did make, or you thought you didn't.  Everyone then just started crying happy tears and five or six came in for a big hug and you hugged them back. You were yourself for a moment, but just as quickly as you had remembered about all your friends and the class, you forgot. You were confused when you noticed you were hugging six different people you thought you didn't know. "U-um...what's going on..?" You said and then everyone you were hugging backed up noticing your memory had gotten back to what was when they found you. They apologized and then left. You were now all alone in the room. You then noticed that there was an older lady sitting at a desk. She was fairly short. She noticed that you were looking at her and acknowledged that. "My name is Recovery Girl. I am the school's nurse. You are at the school's infirmary." You nodded making sure that she knew you understood.

Bakugo's POV

I couldn't believe what that man had done to (S/G). 'What had (S/G) done to deserve this treatment?' Was all I could think. My mind couldn't get off of the fact that (S/G) had forgotten everything. Everything we had done together, seen together, gone through. 'What the hell?!' I walked to class and saw that the class wasn't there. 'They're probably gone to see (Y/N)..' So, I sat down at my seat and waited. After waiting for about 10 minutes, I saw the class walk in. They all held grim faces. Some of them look as if they cried, with under their eyes being a little red. Just then I get a text on my phone. 'What dimwit would be texting me right now?!' I then read the name of the messenger and it said (Y/N). I quickly opened my phone to see a message from (Y/N) that read, 'Hope your having fun with your doll ^^.'  I knew right away that it wasn't (Y/N). It was most likely the person who took her. 'What did you do to (S/G)?!' I answered. After waiting for a while there was no reply. I decided to put my phone away then. Just then the teacher walked in. "I know that (Y/N) just got back but we still have to go on with our classes." Just after he finished a hand raised. It was the idiot Denki. "Do think (Y/N) will ever get (S/G) her memory back?" The whole class was silent. "We have no way to predict that but we are trying to find a way. It was found that (Y/N) memory's have been locked away by a memory snatching quirk. We have no clue who it could have done this but we will find this person or group and they will be taken care of. For now students will be staying in the dorms. No one is to go outside the dorms past 9:00pm." "Yes, Sensei." The whole classed said in acknowledgement of Aizawa-Sensei's rules. "Class dismissed." And with that the whole class headed out to the dorms. A few stayed behind and talked. Not me. I headed immediately to the dorms. Kirishima noticed this and followed me to the dorms. "Hey, bro! Where you going?!" He said in a forced cheerful tone and I noticed his smile was also forced. "Stop forcing yourself to be so happy. You know your just like the rest of us. Damn idiot.." His smile slowly faded and his tone became more serious. "Sorry, bro. I was just trying to make everyone happier. I didn't want the atmosphere to be so depressing..." I patted his head. "It's fine..just try to acknowledge how others are feeling right now or you'll just make yourself seem like a damn fool.." He nodded with a slight smile on his face. "Your so nice to me Bakubro!" He chuckled.

Here's your chapter! Hope you guys liked it and don't forget to comment and vote! See ya next chapter! -Shi Toshi

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