-27- Family Reunion

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You had rung the doorbell and the door opened to an older women standing in the door way. "Hey Mama..." You look at the women with a nervous smile. She covers her mouth as tears stream down her face. "W-where have you been?!" You lowered your head. "I've been really busy with school..." Your mother new that was your way of hiding your emotions so she didn't bother to push you for answers. She embraced you in a warm hug. You hadn't felt something like this in forever. Tears spilt from your eyes and you hugged your mother back. She let you go and opened the door wider for you to come in.

Deku's POV

I had left All Might's office and was heading for my dorm. My eyes were red from all the crying. I felt dizzy as I walked through the halls. Maybe it's cause I cried to much and now i'm dehydrated. I saw a familiar figure by my door. As I got closer I saw it was Kacchan. "K-Kacchan?" He looked away from me and a shiver went down my spine. "Tch" His crimson eyes then stared into my soul. "What did you talk about with Sensei?" He asked me in a threatening tone. I twitched. "N-nothing..." I could see him start to get impatient. "Bullshit!!!" He ran up to me and grabbed me by my coller. "K-Kac-chan!" His deep crimson eyes shown bright with rage as he looked up me with my feet dangling just above the ground. "L-let me go!" "Not until you tell me what the hell you talked about with All Might!!" Small hot tears were forming in my eyes. "I love (Y/N)!! Ok?! Happy now Kacchan?!! You've always been a jerk!!"


You entered your moms apartment and found a room with your name in blue stickers on the door. You opened the door and found a small bed and dresser. There wasn't much in the room. It's color scheme a light teal blue, white, and green. You sat down on the bed and your mother came in with a plate of apples and peanut butter. It was your favorite snack. You smiled at her as she came to sit beside you. She smiled back. "Hey Mama? Can I ask you something?" Your voice was monotone. She nodded a little confused. "Do I have any siblings?" She thought for a bit. "No. Not that I know of." You nodded and took an apple off the plate. "Is everything ok?" Your mother sat closer to you. "Yeah. I just finally got some time off and decided to come see you." She wasn't so sure that was what was really going on but decided to go along with it. She left and you were all alone in the empty room. You lied down on the bed and fell asleep.

Bakugo's POV

I dropped him and was frozen in place. His words struck a cord with me. 'He "loves" (Y/N)?! But they're mine! I kissed them first!' I gritted my teeth. "You shitty nerd..." He flinched. "You have no right to claim them." I could see the seat dripping down his face. "I didn't claim anyone!" He screamed. It only made me more pissed off. Instead of  having everyone come out of their dorms though, I stomped away to my dorm. 'That nerd has some nerve talking to me like that!' I opened my door and lied on my bed. My head filled with thoughts as I tried to fall asleep.

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked the new chapter. This chapter was pretty late due to my schedule being busy and trying to get other things done. I still have inktober and school to worry about but for those who are still reading, i'll make sure to update more. Can't wait for the chapter! Till then, bye!-Shi Toshi

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