-2- The Meeting

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You stood there still as a statue until you felt a tap on your shoulder followed by a voice. "Are you ok?" You turn around to notice the green haired boy from earlier. "Yeah. I'm fine." You reply. You turn towards where the spiky haired guy went and saw that he was gone. You sigh. "I'm sorry about that..." The green haired boy apologized. Your surprised. "For what? It wasn't you fault that he yelled at me." 'Not even mine for that matter...what is his problem?' You thought. "Well, you see, that guy was Bakugo. Kacchan was a friend of mine but he seems to hate me so he tried to keep you away from me." He smiled at you. You smile back and then the bell rang ending social hour and starting class.

Deku's POV

I told (Y/N) about Kacchan so hopefully (S/G) can understand the situation better. The bell rang and I sat back down as class started. I covered my face out of embarrassment.

//Time Skip//

Bakugo's POV

My seat was right behind Hourglass (His nickname for you). The whole class all I could think about is, 'Who is (S/G)?' I ignored Hourglass but couldn't help look at (S/G). I felt like a damn idiot but I couldn't let my guard down. I'll have Hourglass meet me in the courtyard during lunch. I wrote a quick note and folded it. When class was dismissed I placed it on Hourglass's desk and walked off.


You were about to get up and get your stuff for the next class when you noticed that Bakugo had put a note on your desk. It read 'Meet me at the courtyard during lunch, Hourglass. If your late i'll kill you!' You weren't sure what he wanted to talk about but it couldn't be good. 'Hourglass..?' You thought to yourself and got your stuff as the next class started.

//Time Skip//

3rd Person POV

The bell rung and class was dismissed. Lunch started and all the students had left for the lunchroom. Bakugo was already at the courtyard waiting and (Y/N) was heading that way still thinking of what might be the problem.


You thought to yourself 'What does he want?' You  headed towards the courtyard and saw Bakugo already there waiting so you hurried up so he didn't get mad.

Bakugo's POV

'Where is (S/G)?!' I thought to myself a little irritated. I leaned on the wall behind me. 'That damn Hourglass! Where is (S/G)?!' I looked around then spotting (Y/N) winded. (S/G) started walking towards me and I stood up with an angry look on my face.


You were tried and winded from running down the stairs. You wiped off any sweat that was on your face and walked towards Bakugo a little nervous. You could see that he was pissed but you didn't know why. You were now standing in front of Bakugo. "Hello.." You said with a slight smile.

Bakugo's POV

(S/G) was standing right in front of me and I could've lost my composure but I had to keep cool. "What did I tell you not to do?" I had a menacing look on my face. I had to appear angry to (Y/N).


You answered calmly. "To not talk to that green haired boy?" You could see that he looked really angry at you. You knew exactly why now.

3rd Person POV

There were a few students out in the courtyard eating their lunch but luckily they didn't notice what was going on with Bakugo and (Y/N). Knowing that Bakugo pinned (Y/N) to a wall.


You were very surprised by Bakugo's actions and your face flushed a slight red. You didn't know what to do. Bakugo came close to you. His hands still on your wrists pinning you to the wall.

Bakugo's POV

I held (S/G) wrists tight. "And what exactly did you do?" I asked menacingly. I didn't think for one second that I might be scaring (S/G). "Don't think for one minute about lying to me. I know when you do."


You nodded nervously and answered him as truthfully as you could sound. "I talked to him for a little bit after you left...BUT it was only for a little bit." You looked at him reassuring that what you said was true. He came closer to you and whispered something in your ear that made your face turn a bright red.

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