-21- Wrecked

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Deku's POV

I looked around the room to see it wrecked. I completely forgot that it was. "How are we gonna explain this to Mr.Aizawa?" (Y/N) gasped. "Oh shit! Aizawa-Sensei is gonna be mad!" (Y/N) said in a surprised and frantic tone. It was only 4:20am so we had time before Mr.Aizawa came to make sure everyone was ready. That was the new schedule after (Y/N) got captured. Aizawa now has to come to the dorms to make sure everyone gets to the classroom. "Why don't we try to fix what we can before Aizawa comes?" (Y/N) nodded. I grabbed a broom from a near by janitor closet and handed another broom to (Y/N). I started sweeping up the glass from the TV and (Y/N) was sweeping up the glass broken in the kitchen. Denki picked anything up that had fallen and Jirou used her ear jacks and picked up any bigger pieces of glass while Ojiro picked picked off the toast on the wall and wiped down the butter off the wall. Mina just sat on the couching listen to some music on her phone.

//Time Skip//

The room for the most part was clean but the TV was still broken and there were a lot of plates and cups that were now gone because they had been broken. Even the clock was no good anymore. 'We still have to some how explain what happened...' I could see (Y/N) sigh. (S/G) went up to (S/G) room and came back with a wallet. It was filled with exactly how much all the plates, cups, TV, and clock would cost. "(Y/N), you don't have to do that. I'm sure Aizawa will just forgive you and the school and can take care of the damages." (Y/N) shook (S/G) head. "No. I have to take responsibility for my own actions. I've been saved by the school and everyone else too many times. I wanna give back this time." (Y/N) wasn't the only one who felt that way. It was the same with me. I understood how (S/G) felt but I still couldn't let (S/G) do that. I grabbed (Y/N) hand. (S/G) looked at me with an expression I hadn't seen before. It was like (S/G) was mad but also upset. I let go. We all sat on the couch except for Denki, who went to go make some coffee.

Bakugo's POV

I sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes. I was exhausted from not being able to sleep. I got up and headed down stairs. There I saw Deku, Hourglass, Tail man, Dunce Face, Raccoon Eyes, and Sound Girl. I looked around the room and found a few things broken. "What the hell happened here?!" Hourglass lowered (S/G) head. I knew something happened to (S/G) but what. "(Y/N) just freaked out a little. Everything is fine now, Kacchan." Deku answered me. That just made me pissed. I walked over to the kitchen to grabbed a cup of black coffee but there weren't any mugs any very few cups. "What the hell?!" I grab one of the cups and slam it down on the counter under the coffee machine. I put the coffee grinds in and start the coffee machine. I sigh and wait for it finish making the coffee. Once it finishes I sit down on the a chair near the couch. Raccoon Eyes scoots closer to Hourglass. "Hey! You sure your ok? You know I can help you. Hey! How about this weekend we go to the mall! Just us and the girls!" I saw Hourglass nod. "I'm going then!" I yelled covering my face and mouth after I said it. Everyone in the room turned to face me. "Awwww! Look Bakugo likes (Y/N)! That's so sweet!!! Awwww!!" "Shut it Raccoon!!!" I screamed back her. Deku lowered his head in disappointment. He looked said but who knew why. I didn't really care but for some reason it bothered me. I looked at my phone that I had slipped in my pocket. It was 6:00. I walked back up stairs with my coffee. I could feel (Y/N) eyes on me as I went up the stairs.


My face was a slight red from Bakugo's unexpected blurt out. I guess I'm going to the mall with all the girls and Bakugo. Things couldn't get any crazier. "Hey (Y/N)! So you know about Bakugo. Do you like him?!" Mina plastered a big smile on her face. "I guess...I mean as a friend, definitely, but anything more than that, I'm not sure..." "You do!!!" She screamed so loud I swear the whole building could hear her. I face palmed myself. 'Guess I was wrong. Things did just get a little more crazier...' Just then almost the whole rest of the class comes down the stairs in their uniforms looking at us all in our pajamas. 'Crap! Totally forgot what time it is!' I quickly jumped up off the couch and ran up the stairs, passing everyone else on the stairs.

Deku's POV

"Huh?" 'What made (Y/N) jump up like that...?' Jus then I too realize that everyone else is in their uniform except for those of us on the couch. "Guy!" I turned to everyone on the couch. "We got to get ready for class!" I said to them in a panicked tone. I ran/walked quickly past those on the stairs almost tripping over my own feet multiple times. I got to my room and quickly undressed and got into my uniform. I put on my All Might socks and put my bright red shoes on. I was just about to head out the door after grabbing my backpack when I realize my shoes are on backwards. I quickly take them off and swap them. I burst out of my room and run down the stairs just in time to meet up with the rest of the class when Aizawa-Sensei came in. "Alright class, time for rollcall."

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! I will keep going with this story but I will also be starting another Wattpad. It will be a Deku X Female!Reader fanfiction. It will be called Stitches. I hope you guys will also like that one. When you have the time go check it out. The first chapter will be published tomorrow before I publish the next chapter of Baku X Deku X Reader. See you guys! (Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks!) Bye! -Shi Toshi

(1,073 words OWO)

[Book 1] Baku x Reader x DekuWhere stories live. Discover now