-5- Deku's Confession

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You woke up in the infirmary on the nice bed. You had a few bandages on you and an IV hooked up to you with water. You looked around to see the green haired boy sitting on the bed next yours looking pretty upset. His arms were bandaged and he had a few smaller bandages on his face. As you sat up you could feel your whole body start to ache. The green haired boy noticed you wincing as you sat up and gave you a smile. "I'm glad your awake." You smiled back. "Yeah.." His smile slowly faded. "I'm sorry about earlier. I hit that ball way to hard and after that I almost hit you again." You could see tears start to develop in his eyes. Was he really gonna cry over that? "It's fine. It wasn't all your fault. I didn't pay attention, that's all." Before the green haired boy could reply you heard the door creak open and it was Recovery Girl. "How are my patients doing?" You and the green haired boy reply, "Fine.", in unison. She walked over to the green haired boy and told him that he could go back to class after he got changed out of his costume. He got up and walked out the door and before shutting he waved bye. "My names Izuku Midoriya by the way." He closed the door leaving to go back to class. Recovery Girl walked over towards you. "You and Midoriya sure took a beating today.." She exclaimed. "Yeah..we did." You reply. She unhooked you from the IV and took a few bandages off. You were left a couple deep cuts on the back and neck and a few scrapes here and there. Your left arm was wrapped up and right thigh and left ankle were also still bandaged up. Recovery Girl handed you a bottle of water and a box with pain relievers. "Take these every twelve hours and remember to drink water with them. Your also gonna need to drink a little more water than usual to help up your stamina." You nodded and took the items. You got up and walked out to get changed in the locker room. You spotted a figure in the distance while on your way to the lockers. You thought it was Midoriya walking towards the classroom because he was done changing but as the figure got closer you realized it wasn't him but it was Bakugo. He seemed to be alright because it appeared that he got lucky with only a couple scratches here and there. As he walked by you, you kept your head down to try and avoid eye contact as he walked passed you completely ignoring the fact that you were there. You sighed with relief and headed to the locker room.

Deku's POV

I walked into the classroom and sat down at my desk. I could feel the eyes of some of the students staring at me and I could hear some of them whispering about (Y/N). "Is (S/G) ok?" "Maybe Deku might have hurt (S/G) pretty bad and (S/G) still passed out." "Don't say that! You don't have any proof." I ignored them and focused on Aizawa-Sensei. My mind wondered here and there. I started thinking about 'What if (S/G) hates me?! What if (S/G) mad because I did hurt (S/G)?!' I had to let go of those thoughts. I would relive my mind ounce I saw and talked to (Y/N). 'Yeah.' I thought. 'I'll go talk to (S/G).'


You had gotten changed and headed back to class. You opened the door to the classroom and when you stepped in the whole class seemed to go silent. You nervously walk to your desk as you felt the eyes of every student on you. One of the students came up to you as you sat down. "Hey, what exactly happened while you guys were playing?" You recognized the voice. It was Kirishima. Bakugo's best friend. You responded in a calm tone. "We just got a little too rough and carried away. That's all." You replied with a smile. Kirishima slid back into his chair with a disbelieving face and who could blame him. Kirishima considered you and Bakugo as his friends so he was worried when something like that happened to either of you. You focused your attention towards the front of the classroom but your mind had other plans. 'What exactly did happen during the game of volleyball? Why was Bakugo so worked up? Did I worry anyone? Is everyone else ok?' That was all you could think of. When the bell rung ending the school day you didn't hear it and instead stayed unmoving.

Deku's POV

I noticed that (Y/N) hadn't gotten up to go home yet and I got kinda worried. I walked over to (S/G) desk and tapped (S/G). "Are you ok?" i asked clearly worried about (Y/N). I saw as (S/G) slowly picked up (S/G) head. I sighed with relief knowing that (S/G) was ok. "Yeah." I heard (S/G) reply. The classroom was empty now and it was just me and (Y/N). I didn't want to ask about the game but instead something else came to mind. "A-are you free tomorrow night?" I asked, my face red.

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