-16- Trapped In My Mind

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Bakugo's POV

We entered the dorms and I headed to my room. Kirishima headed the opposite direction to head to his dorm. I laid down on my bed as soon as I got in. I placed my hand over my forehead. 'What did I do wrong to make this happen...?' The thought ran through my head. "I'm such an idiot..." I turned off the light and tried to head to bed but I tossed and turned. I just couldn't fall asleep. My mind kept me awake. That next morning, I woke up and got dressed for the school day ahead. As soon as I was dressed, I headed for the infirmary where (Y/N) was being kept and saw that (S/G) wasn't there.


You woke up in a dark room. You looked around and found All Might standing in one corner of the dark room. He noticed your glance, "Good morning..." He said in a cold tone. You tried to stand up but found yourself chained to the floor. "Huh?!" You didn't understand why. 'Why am I chained down?!' All Might sighed. "I know your confused. Let me explain a little bit. You were taken from the infirmary to this room incase of endangerment to the students. You were also chained down because we didn't know if you would be a threat to us. We weren't going to risk anyone getting hurt." You couldn't believe it. They thought you were a threat?!

Bakugo's POV

'Where is (Y/N)?!' I saw Recovery Girl sitting at her desk and went up to her. "Where is (Y/N)?!" She sighed. "They took (Y/N) down to a separate room, away from the students. They weren't sure if (Y/N) would be a threat to the school and/or the students." I answered with a "Tsk" and stormed out of the room. I headed to classroom and sat at my desk pissed. 'What would make them think that (Y/N) would be a damn threat?!' Class started not long after everyone had gotten to class. Today we will be thinking of hero names. 'If only (Y/N) was here...' I wanted to see what (Y/N) might have come up with for a name.' Just then, after Aizawa had announced that we were creating names, Midnight walked in. "Hello Class 1-A. As you have heard, you will be making your hero names. I am here to approve of them. This is more serious than you might think. This is what you will be called by when the public takes notice of you so you want something catchy but also nice. It also has to go along with who you are and your quirk. Now that you know what I'm looking for, please start coming up with ideas." The whole class was then given a white board and a marker. I started to come up with ideas.

//Time Skip//

Almost the whole class had already gone up. I was the only one left. I had tried to use 'King Explosion Murder' but Midnight didn't approve so I came up with another one. I stood at the podium and held up my board. "LORD EXPLOSION MURDER" Midnight still looked at the name with disapproval. "Still no good, Bakugo..." I didn't give a damn.


You were still in the dark room but then you saw the principal come in. He looked at you with a sorry face. "You poor thing...I'm sorry you had to stay here. It seems you have posed no threat to us so we will be letting you get back to your class. Please know that we will not hesitate to take you back into custody if we see anything out of the norm happen." You nodded your head to let him know you understood. He had four pro heroes take you out of the chains. Once you were free, you stood up. Your body was weak because you hadn't been fed anything for almost two weeks so you had trouble as you stood. As you walked out of the room you were handed a school uniform that was apparently the same one you wore before. 'I went here before...?' You asked yourself. All Might, the principal, and Endeavor walked you to the dorms as your escorts. You kept your head down the entire time.

Bakugo's POV

I looked out the window and saw (Y/N). 'Where is (S/G) going...?' I looked closer and saw that (Y/N) was being escorted by three different people. One of them being the principal and the other two, All Might, and Endeavor. 'Is (Y/N) that dangerous that (S/G) needs three escorts...?' I couldn't believe they thought that (S/G) was such a threat...What would (S/G) possibly do to hurt us? I saw them walk into the dorms. As the went in I looked back up to the front of the class but found that it wasn't just me who was looking out the window. Almost the entire class was looking out the window to see what was going on. All except for Half and Half, Four Eyes, and Deku. "Wasn't that All Might, Endeavor, and the principal, out there with (Y/N)?" Said the purple Small Fry. (For those that don't know, that's Bakugo's nickname for Mineta.)

Thanks for reading! Hope you guys liked it. I made this while I was out getting Boba and Roman. Very good inspiration. '^, ^' Don't forget to vote and comment! See ya next chapter! -Shi Toshi

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