Kion's Travels

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Kion POV
"Keep running Kion" said Zeb.
We had just made it out of the ravine. The hyenas chased us everywhere we went up and down every nook and cranny. Our paws pounded against the cold snow. We neared an opening in the  forest that had large boulders laying in the center. On the other side was one laying flat on against the ground. Zeb jammed his muzzle under it and started to lift the rock.
"Little help" he said.
"Right" I used my front legs to help push the rock aside. Underneath was a dark, smelly cave.
"Get in quick" said Zeb. I stepped inside and Zeb followed closing the opening after him.
"Okay we should be safe in here" said Zeb.
"What is this place" I said looking around. The room was smooth with weird engravings on the wall.
"It is an ancient human temple that was buried long ago. I have spent awhile here in my travels. We wait awhile before we leave so they give up looking for us". He sat down in the corner. I lay down in the center.
"So besides your family why are you running away".
"Well someone needs to apologize for all tyranny Kajor has caused to your home and..."
"That's still family, I know there is a more personal reason".
He looked down. He seemed to be thinking about something really personal but he quickly looked back up.
"To explore I guess" I shrugged.
"That is a common thing".
"I got tired of looking at the same surroundings and people every day".
"I can relate to that, while ago I stepped down from my position in the lion guard(the protectors of the prides) to be a father and mate. Being leader of guard was stressful I was always edgy and had my walls up. But now I am fine".
"I want that too. There is this hyena back at the mountain and she was actually part of the hyenas here but I told her that I would handle you guys and she should head to the mountain with the others to try and convince my mother that Kajor was evil".
"And then we confessed our love. I don't think I will see her again".
"Don't worry I am sure you will some day I mean that's what I thought about my mate. When I was ran out of the prides her and I ended things on a bad note. I was upset because I knew that's how she would remember me. When I saw her again I was relieved to hear that she didn't think that way". Hyenas wailing and howling went on outside.
"We should keep our voices down for now". Both of us laid down and fell asleep.

2 months later
After that Zeb and I left the cave. Zeb seemed to know the best at where to go so he lead the way. For a couple months now I have followed him hoping that we get closer to the prides. In that time my mane has fully grown. I was so happy that it came in.
"Looks like your mane came in Kion".
"Finally ".
"Do you know why it came in late"
"I just thought it wouldn't but I guess I was wrong".
"Alright let's go we should only be a couple of days away from the prides".
"Are you sure we have been lost before".
We set out across open grass lands with roaring hills and meadows. I have been out this way before soon we should reach the oasis then the desert. The grasslands were pretty but they didn't last long. The dry brutal desert came up fast.
"The desert, we are closer than we thought" I said.
"You've been here before"?
"I was here for awhile, I learned to navigate through it".
"Alright which way then". I looked at the sky. It would be harder to navigate in the day but they bright star is still visible during the day.
"That star up there that is barely visible the prides are located under it".
"Alright let's see how far we can get before night falls". We started traversing the desert. For the first time in a long time the desert was not boiling hot but don't get me wrong it was still hot.
"The prides aren't this hot are they" said an exhausted Zeb. I laughed.
"No, what can't take the heat" I teased.
"Not really I have lived on a cold mountain my whole life".
"Well it won't be this hot but it will be warmer than a mountain".
The wind picked up a little.
"See it's starting to cool down" I said.
"Kion what is that". I looked forward to see a bunch sand flying through the air.
"Sandstorm we need find somewhere to take shelter" I looked around and saw a cave
"In there quick". We barely made it inside before the storm hit.
"How long will it last".
"A few minutes a couple hours I don't know it's best to wait it out".
We sat for hours and soon fell asleep. We woke at midnight.
"Hey Zeb wake up it's past, if we go now then we should make it there by morning".
Winds were still blowing but nowhere near as fast. The cool desert night was refreshing. I always loved the desert during the night when it was just me, Duma, and Adolfo. I began remembering all my family in the prides. My mom and my dad who always taught me the ways of ruling a kingdom and natural things like aging and what not. Bunga, Beshte, and Ono were friends that I would have fun with. Duma and Adolfo where likes brothers who I learned how to live life with no worries. My actual brother who I have only known for a short time but I felt like I have known my whole life. My two adopted sons Hofu and Cheka who I would give my life for. Then the beautiful cheetah I love Fuli who I do anything for, if she wanted me to move a mountain I would. I was glad I finally get to see them after the time I had been I just hope that our new cub or Cubs havn't come yet. I couldn't help but think about Zeb leaving his family to help me.
"Hey you seem happy, miss your family" he said.
"Yeah but how about you".
"I miss them mainly I will miss my mother and Fisi my mate".
"Well don't worry I am sure you will see them again".
As dawn rose pride rock could be visible but I was going to stop by my den first.
"Hey where are you going pride rock is that way".
"To my den first I want to see Fuli, Hofu, and Cheka first".
"Right you have cubs... wait up I don't want to be left alone her yet".
I raced to my den. I hid in a bush a good distance away from. Zeb caught up.
"Jeeze...for a can sure". Just side of the den was Fuli watching Hofu and Cheka play. Both of them had grown they are about the size I was when I joined the guard. Hofu had a golden tuff of fur on his head. He had became more muscular than Cheka. Cheka was taller and longer than he was before and he lost his baby cheetah mane. Fuli was showing her pregnancy way more now. Which was a relief because I didn't want to miss it.
"Well what are you waiting for go to them".
"I don't know what to say".
"Kion sometimes you just need a little push".
"Okay so you want to help think of something to say what have you got".
"Oh I didn't mean that I ment..."
He slammed into my side knocking me down the hill. I tumbled and rolled for a solid 9 seconds.
"Oh I am going to kill him" I whispered.
"Who are you why have you come here" said a worried Fuli with a scared Hofu and Cheka standing behind her.
I swept my mane back and pulled the leaves from it. I looked Fuli in the eyes.
"Fuli it's me".
She hesitated.
"K..Ki..Kion" she said tears forming in her eyes.
"Yes it's me".
Hofu and Cheka looked at me with happy expression.
"DAD" they practically screamed as they tackled me to the ground. They got off me as Fuli came closer.
"You boys have sure grown since I have been gone". I looked at Fuli who was smiling ear to ear.
"And you Fuli will never change you can't anymore beautiful".
"Thanks but carrying this cub or cubs around sure doesn't make me feel like it, but hey your mane it has finally came in".
"I know I wish it had a long time ago".
Hofu peered around me.
"HYENA" he screamed. Hofu, Cheka and Fuli leaned against me to protect them. Zeb was walking down the hill.
"Guys wait he is with me".

The Lion King:The Journey of Kion and Kopa Part 2Where stories live. Discover now