The Escape Plan

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Kion POV
Kopa and I have hardly slept since we were pulled from our home a month ago. We also have barely eaten, they don't let us hunt. The lack of food and sleep have gotten to us both. We hav bickered constantly.
"I don't know what we did to deserve living like this Kopa. All we did was live normal lives and some monster came and took that away and now we are being marched against our will into the unkown" I said angry.
"Calm down Kion".
"Calm down have you lost it Kopa we are marching to who knows where to meet with some queen" I snapped.
Kopa snarled
"Kion you are the one who has lost it, how do you raise those two boys with a cubish and manipulable mind".
"My boys are just fine".
"Kion you are letting them scare you and your hungryness is get to you just stop".
"I don't know why I let talk me into this, I could be spending time with Fuli, Cheka, and Hofu but I am being dragged across Africa".
Kopa growled.
"Kion family is important but we must do this if we don't then everyone we know will die. I believe that we can speak to them and try to rationalize this".
"She's the wife of a psychopath Kopa, but that's what is different about you Kopa. All the other lions see when to battle and when to talk but all you do is talk. I mean you didn't know how to hunt and Bizali was the first murder you have committed on non prey animals".
Kopa growled again
"You better stop talking Kion".
"You never listened to dads orders you just broke them, that's how you met Vitani which lead to your assault that she was guilty of" I yelled. He roared and lunged forward and pinned me. He unsheathed his claws and they dug into me.
"Shut up, Vitani did nothing wrong" he said with a hiss. I couldn't move under his paws.
"You were away from the prides for so long much longer than me. Your a panzy when it comes to conflict"
He roared in my face. His eyes were narrow. His teeth bared.
"Kion a pansy or coward is someone that ignores mourning and helpless  needs of his family because he is afraid of failure because he has never failed once in his perfect life" he screamed in my face. I now came to my senses. Why am I arguing with Kopa. Maybe because we were tired and hungry. I didn't respond to what he said, I only had an afraid look of fear because Kopa's angry and malicious expression actions were worse than that of Kajor's. I knew that if he wanted to he would kill me.
"Your life has  been easy and perfect. Finding someone to love easily, Having a great friends, the ability to be free. I have spent most of my life being treated for my injuries and behind in closed cages".
"Will you two stop" said the white hyena wh o was now sitting near us.
"What do you want, you've been watching us for awhile now" said Kopa
"I want to help you guys get out of here".
"Really we are supposed to trust you you are Kajor's son aren't you".
"I know it is hard to believe but I knew my father was a psychopath but the others refused to believe me.
Look if you guys don't get out now then you will most likely die when you get to my mother".
Kopa and I exchanged glances.
"Fine we will listen" said Kopa.
"Okay another I would like to apologize to your kingdom as well maybe help them out a little".
"Why would we let you do that" I siad.
"I am not a threat and I could how to fight my my mother or Wazimu".
"Okay that could be useful because if we don't go then they will attack" said Kopa
"Who is Wazimu" I said.
Before he could say he ducked down under a bush. The leader of the march Rozu came up to us.
"Be ready to move in an hour" then he walked away.
The other hyena came back out.
"My brother dosen't like it when I try to speak to you, but my whole family thinks I am crazy".
"Why" I asked.
"Because I know that Kajor was evil and my mother refuses to hear it".
"He was an evil hyena, he ambushed me and I was left severely wounded" said Kopa.
"He made me believe that my family and friends were dead" I said.
"Again I am sorry, I do know the feeling of his abuse to. When I still a nursing cub he would shove me down burrows to try and kill me".
A silence fell over us.
"Okay I have a plan to get away from them, I have gained my brother's trust so I can have myself the only guard for the nightshift then we sneak away".
"Alright let's try that but when" I said.
"When the time is right I will notify you when we move".

One week later
Kopa and I have barely spoken to each other since last week. I said some pretty rude things to him. Tonight Zeb was be on guard tonight so we could escape. Kopa and I pretend to be asleep. Rozu walked around checking us one last time before him and his sister laid down and went to sleep. The night was darker than usual. Kopa and I slowly rose then crept over to Zeb.
"Let's go quick" whispered Zeb.
We walked a few hundred feet before one of us stepped on a stick and the loud crackling woke Rozu.
We bolted across the forest. Hyenas were hot on our tails. We weaved in and out of trees. Soon we got ahead of them in a ravine. As we were running the ground beneath us started to break.
"The way out is over there" shouted Zeb
There was a small opening at the far end of the ravine. We hoped and hoped across the breaking ground. We were nearly there when I got my leg stuck in a crack.
"Help" I shouted.
Kopa hoped over to me. When he did the rocks above us began to fall. Kopa tried to stick his nose in the crack to loosen it. I began to here the cackles of hyenas behind me. Rozu and his hyenas were closing in.
Kopa suddenly grabbed onto my leg and pulled as hard as he could freeing me. I was fastly pull up and dazed. In my dazed stat Kopa slammed into me pushing me on the other side of the gap. A rock fell on Kopa pinning him down.
"Kopa" I said.
"Go Kion don't worry about me".
"No Kopa you have a daughter I'm not going..."
The hyenas were almost on us.
"Go" said Kopa.
"Kion we have to go" said Zeb.
Zeb and I turned and ran away out into the cold and snow of the forest.

The Lion King:The Journey of Kion and Kopa Part 2Where stories live. Discover now