Plotting Evil Stuff

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HamEgg POV
"Mr. Egvard what can I do for you" said the man on the phone.
"Send in the team there have been technical difficulties".
"Like what".
"Well you didn't bloody tell me that we were hunting on a wild life preserve or near one".
"Alright but get me those lion cubs then take them to be stuffed".
"No problem but remember what you promised me".
"Of course my miners on it, soon the moon stone will be yours".
"Good". I hung up the phone.

Wazimu POV
"Fozzi how are things" I said.
"Good sire".
"Well except for one thing".
"What is it".
"Zora has been sending more and more of her hyenas to patrol the borders".
"Hum well I will gather a group of my hyenas and we will figure this out". I gathered the largest hyenas and head for my brother's domain. Awhile ago a lion named Scar came and promised him control over the pridelands where ever that is when he passed. Well Kajor got word and went to reclaim it but that was 4 years ago. Zora has been controlling his mountain in his absence. She tries to ruin the hyena name. We are savages not prim and proper lions. I will finally see what is going over there. I gathered a group of 20 hyenas and headed their way.
A small group of 5 hyenas stood at the border. One was Rozu and another was Nira.
"What do you want Wazimu" said Rozu.
"Oh well that's no way to great your uncle, why don't you try that again".
He didn't respond. I clawed him across the face.
"You need learn respect boy. What does your father see in you that I don't. Your pathetic".
Nira tensed
"How dare you" she said.
"How dare you all of you, patrolling extra hard on my border. I want to hear from your failure of a mother why she is sending extra patrols".
Nira stood her ground ready to attack as Wazimu growled and snarled at me.
"You attack me now girl and my friends here will make quick work of you".
Nira wanted to say something but she held it in. Rozu stood back up.
"Stop Nira, come Uncle I will take you too her as long as you don't cause any more fights".
"Fine lead the way".
Nira growled at Rozu. The two started arguing but I pretend not to hear them even though I could.
"What are you doing Rozu".
"Taking him to momma".
"He will..."
"Enough Nira, he just would have slaughtered us if we didn't let then go in even more angry. It's best to take him in now, momma will handle him".
She softened
"I hope you are right".
We neared the edge of their camp more of them were there waiting. As we entered all the prim hyenas stared at my rugged crew.
"Why have you come here Wazimu" said Zora as she walked down the stairs.
"Why have you..." she noticed Rozu's claw marks.
"What did you do to Rozu".
"He didn't show me the respect I deserve so I slapped him".
"How dare you come here, hurt one of my sons, and threaten my family".
"Why are you doubling patrols on my border".
"I don't trust you Wazimu".
"Last time I checked a queen watching over a kings kingdom doesn't get to change the amount of patrol members per party".
She hesitated
"Kajor makes that decision not you Zora. Where is he by the way. It's been 4 years since I last seen him".
"He...he uhm".
"He what".
I thought for a .moment and got more angry
"He better not be what I think he is".
She looked on with fear in her eyes.
"Is he..........taking control of the pridelands".
Zora untensed.
"Yes he left me in charge of the mountain".
"That fool, the prides are a lions kingdom".
"I thought I could make him better than you Wazimu but I couldn't, he is just as bad as you".
I snarled.
"I live how we are supposed to live woman, us hyenas don't prance around all carefree like lions".
"No you we act like how we are supposed too, you just act like foolish childelren".
"Silence before tear out your vocal cords". Rozu, Nira, and a few others snarled and prepared to attack but my group of much larger hyenas stood their ground.
"We are no longer allied Zora now that this is no longer Kajor's land".
"Good we can get rid of you filth once and for all".
"Now if you will excuse me I will go speak to him now". Worry flashed across all their faces.
"No you can't go see him".
"Why is there something you aren't telling me woman".
"He doesn't want to see anyone he said he would kill them" she stammered
"Well he won't kill me but get out of the way before we kill you...oh by the way which way is the pridelands."
Her worries washed away again and she smirked. She still wasn't telling me something.
"He never gave us any directions".
"Fine don't tell" We walked away. I head back to Fozzi.
"Sire what happened".
"Well my mouse headed brother has conquered a lion kingdom and I am going to visit him take car of both territories while I am gone. Hey all of you you're with me" 50 more hyena joined us.
"Oh sire I think the prides a Once I straighten things out with Kajor I will head back and eliminate Zora and her prim hyenas.

Zora POV
"Mother what if he learned of Kajor's death" said Nira.
"He won't I doubt he will make it there but...prepare a travel party Nira lead me and three others to the pridelands just in case we need to warn them and I would like to meet the rulers face to face.

The Lion King:The Journey of Kion and Kopa Part 2Where stories live. Discover now