The New Kion and Reflections

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Kopa POV
"Kion what do you mean, you know them". I pointed with my nose in the direction of the Fuli and Cubs standing next to her. Fuli looked worried.
"No I don't".
"Dad it's me Hofu"
"And It's me Cheka".
"Kion it's us your family, it's me Fuli".
He looked at then with a blank expression. He was confused. His eyes began to spin and he fell down again. We lowered ourselves down next to him
"Kopa what's wrong, why doesn't he know who we are" said Fuli worried.
"It appears dat Kion has de the illness known as amnesia and also fient attacks" said Rafiki.
"Amnesia are you sure Rafiki".
"Positive. Kion has forgotten everything except you Kopa. It may take sometime before he remembers everything".
Fuli looked down at him with tears in her eyes. Hofu and Cheka nuzzled him tearing up as well.
"Dad doesn't know who we are" they said.
"Of course he does, he just needs to be reminded of it".
"Right but don't force info all at once, hurt him severely you will" said Rafiki.
He left but before he did he left some herbs to help with Kions fainting.
Fuli sent the cubs away for awhile.
I looked down at the sleeping Kion.
"This is my fault".
"No it isn't Kopa" said Fuli
"I should have sent him back".
"No it was my fault I should have done more to keep him here" she sobbed "He doesn't see that since he is a father now he no longer can jump to the aid of prides".
"He just wants to protect you and the boys Fuli"
"I know he does, he would do anything to protect us" she looked me in the eyes "He was the fierce one on the guard but he was more than that. He always brave, mighty, smart, quick at times. He was the best of all of us".
"Fuli you say that as if he is dead".
"Kopa you saw him, he doesn't remember a thing. Basically the old Kion is dead and has been replaced by this Kion."
"Fuli he is still the same Kion".
"He doesn't remember anything".
"Fuli the injuries I sustained from my ambush left me with amnesia".
She was shocked
"Kion never told me that".
"He dosen't k ow it. That's why it took so long to get back. My broken bones and gouges only lasted for a few months but I didn't remember who I was for a long time until one day a human dropped a heavy object on my head. Only then did I remember. So if we keep reminding of these things without over loading him he should be back to normal".
"I'm glad there is still hope, I almost lost mine" she said.
"He may also have a hard time remembering things for a few weeks because that's what happened to me".
Kion slowly woke up again as Hofu, Cheka, and Msomi came back in.
Fuli and them sat back. Fuli smiled a sad smile.
"Kopa what is going on why do I keep blacking out".
"You got hit in the head on a long tumble".
"Okay that explains the headache". He stood up slowly.
"Kion you were banged up badly, you have amnesia".
"What that's crazy".
"Okay where we and why were we there".
"Uhhh" he stammered "Oh no I have ammesia".
""Calm down don't worry I will get your memory back, now can you identify these four" I pointed to Fuli and the boys.
" they were here before I blacked out".
"Yes but do you known their names, three said their names". He thought long and hard.
"No I don't know their names wait do I know them".
"Yes". He thought again.
"Ugh...why can't I remember"
"It's okay Kion it will come back, now you guys may introduce yourselves".
"I am Hofu, I am your son".
"I am Cheka, I am you son".
"I wam Msomi, I wam ywour son".
He looked at Fuli.
"My name is Fuli, I'm your mate"
He began to tear up.
"You guys are so very close to me but I still don't remember". He began to cry and I don't blame him. When I suffered from amnesia it was the hardest part of my life. Fuli cried as well and the boys nuzzled him.
"Everything will be fine Kion, I will help you try and retain your memory. In fact we all should".
"Right" said Fuli.
"Thanks Kopa" he then stammered some words almost like he wanted to say something but forgot.
"I will be back tomorrow to train your brain but Fuli if you have any trouble send for me".
"Alright thanks Kopa".
I headed back to my den.
"Is everything okay with Kion" said Vitani. Malaika lay asleep in the corner.
"Well he is awake now"
"That's great".
"But he has amnesia". Vitani looked concerned.
"Oh no".
"The only thing he can remember is who I am but nothing else".
"Well he get better".
"I am going to try and help him as much as I can".
She smiled.
"This is why I knew that you would be a good dad, you always taking care of others".
"Well in this instance I ha e been through what he is going through".
She looked at me confused.
"What do you mean".
"When I was attacked by Kajor I didn't remember who I was. It wasn't until I was almost an adult that I remembered everything. I remembered everything because a human trip and dropped a smooth rock on my head".
"You never told me this before".
"I didn't want to tell anyone that I forgot who my family and friends are".
She nuzzled up next to me.
"What will Simba, Nala, Kiara, and Kovu think. What will Duma and Adolfo think. What will the guard think".
"They learn tomorrow" I had spoken to Kiara when I returned to the prides and asked her about Vitani. She told me that mom had a hard time accepting her into the prides along with a few other lionesses and that if I wanted to know then I should ask Vitani or mom.
"Hey Tani can I ask you something". She was watching Malaika sleep peacefully. Before she answered my question she said this.
"I never thought I would be a mother to a beautiful daughter like Malaika. She is truly a gift our angel Kopa, sure ask away Kopa".
"Is there a personal feud between you and my mother". She hesitated.
"A little bit...yes" she stammered.
"Well does she still dislike you".
"No we're okay now, after we thought you were dead your mom somehow k ow you were coming to see me, then blamed your death on me. After I was allowed into the prides I saved then she let it go". She looked at me with a half smile on her face.
"I wasn't your fault Vitani".
She looked down.
"Kopa you were coming to see me Kopa how can I not think it was my fault" she stammered.
"It was my fault, I could done so many things. I could have been more perceptive or I could stayed at pride rock and not have run but if I had Tani then we would have still not seen each other for a long time we could still be at war. Plus dad would have killed me if I had snuck out again after he told me not too"
Vitani laughed.
"Zira would have done the same".
"Vitani I love you I will do anything for you, if that means nearly dying at the claws of a hyena to be with you then I would do it...well I did it. You are my best friend, my only love".
She blushed and smiled.
"And I love you Kopa. You are my best friend, my light in the darkness that was my younger life. Without you there would be no brightness in this world".
I smiled and we leaned in close together. After awhile we quickly fell asleep.

 After awhile we quickly fell asleep

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The Lion King:The Journey of Kion and Kopa Part 2Where stories live. Discover now