The New Arrival

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The night of Kion's return
Kion POV

Fuli and lay next each other in the center of the cave. Cheka and Hofu lay towards the back. That night I had odd dreams.
The first was bizarre real dream.
I was sprinting after a small tan creature that I had never seen before.

I was sprinting after a small tan creature that I had never seen before

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My mouth was moving but no words came out. I chased it and chased it until everything turned white them I was standing in alone in a cave. Voices boomed around me.
"They're the one".
"They will take the task".
"Guide them".
Silence fell then
"Kion the roar has returned to you".
Then I opened my eyes to see a fiery field. In front of me stood Scar.
"Where am I, why are you here".
"Because the spirits have given me the task of saying these two things
A new guard will form to try and save the prides, one of your cubs will journey with an other to solve problems, and enemies will come."
"Why would I believe you".
"Because I am a spirit" he turned away "One more thing Kion it's coming". He vanished.
I opened my eyes to see Fuli shaking and groaning
"Fuli are you alright" I said with fear.
"I think the cubs are coming".
I began panic
" Cheka wake up".
They shot up.
"What's wrong" said Hofu.
"Dad is the cub coming" said Cheka.
"Right now one you go get Rafiki and Makini and the other go get Nala and some other lioness".
"I'll get Rafiki I can get there faster" said Cheka as he ran out.
"Right good call" said Hofu as he headed to pride rock.
"Okay, Fuli are you alright" I asked worried.
She groaned in agony
"Besides the pain, I am fine".
"Hang in there Rafiki and the others are on the way". I nuzzled her and she licked my cheek. Soon Rafiki and the others came. My mom, Kiara, Tiffu, Zuri, Lova, and even Vitani came. Hofu and Cheka waited outside with me.
"Is mom going to be okay" asked Hofu.
"Yes bud she will be fine".
"How many cubs will there be" said Cheka.
"We won't know until she has them so for now everyone just be calm".
"What about you dad are you calm" said Hofu.
I paused.
"Yes I am fine, worriesd, but fine". We sat in silence until Kiara and mom came out.
"Well is everything okay" I said.
"Yes there is one cub" said Nala.
"But he seems to be both cheetah and lion" said Kiara.
"So Rafiki has asked for Makini to stay with you and Fuli until they can tell if the cub will be fine" said Kiara.
"Can I see her".
Nala and Kiara smiled.
"Of course".
I walked in and saw Fuli with her fur all messed up and a small tan ball sitting at her feet. Rafiki was standing close and all the other lioness said congratulations then left.
Fuli looked at me and smiled
"Kion look at our third little boy". I nuzzled her and sat down.
"Have you figured out a name".
"I was thinking Msomi".
"That's perfect".
I looked down at Msomi. I realized who he was. He was the tan creature from my dream only younger and the vision I had of me, Fuli, Cheka, and Hofu.
"Can we see him" said the boys.
Fuli looked at them.
"Of course".
Msomi swatted the air playfully Hofu and Cheka laughed. Fuli fell asleep with her head on my shoulders. Msomi fell asleep as well. Hofu and Cheka slept close to us that night.
"Thanks Makini for staying to watch over Msomi".
"No problem Rafiki just wanted me observe the new species so if we know if he contracts any illnesses."
I too fell asleep.

3 weeks later present time
Msomi can now talk and walk. Makini has left our den clearing Msomi but said if he ever gets sick take him straight to them. Malaika has gotten close to him since they are close in age. Hofu and Cheka are a year old. About how old I was when I got the roar.
Malaika is barely 4 months. With Malaika and Msomi playing all the time that gave me a chance to talk to Vitani and help her out in anyway. I fell guilty for leaving Kopa.
"It's not your fault Kion he chose to save you, like the hero he is" is what Vitani would say.
Hofu and Cheka were playing with Msomi outside the den. Fuli and I lay close to each other.
"Msomi is truly something" said Fuli.
"Yeah but he is adorable" I said.
"Oh no doubt" she laughed.
She lay her head down on my shoulder and I lay mine on top of her head.
"If you asked me that we would be together and have Cubs back when the guard was just starting, I would've called you crazy"
I laughed
"Feeling old Fuli".
"No way" she laughed. She paused.
"You remember when you and I traveled up a snow mountain to get some medicine for Bunga, Beshte, and Ono because they were super sick".
"Yeah I think so"

Kion and Fuli are the age they are in season 2 of the lion guard.

Kion POV
"So the medicine they need is atop of that snow peak" said Fuli.
"Yes and you two had better hurry they don't look to good" said Rafiki.
"Come on Fuli let's get that plant."
We raced towards the mountain. Lucky for us the weather was perfect besides the s ow on the ground. As we reached the top a blizzard hit at about dusk. It forced us to take shelter in a cave for the night.
"Well Fuli it looks like we will have to get it tomorrow".
"Well I guess it does beat walking through frozen water".
Fuli and I lay down to sleep.
During the night I woke due to my shaking. It was so cold. Fuli was shaking as well. She looked me in the eyes
"I sure... hope thi...s works".
"It...will" I said. She started to blush.
"K...kion come and lay next to me".
"WHAT" now my cheeks were warm.
"I mean so we can stay  warm".
"Oh". I moved over laid down behind her.
She soon closed her eyes to make me think she was asleep but she wasn't. She slowly scooted closer to me until her whole body was against my chest and stomach. The whole experience was new to me. The next day we didn't speak of it. We got the plant and headed home.

"I remember you were coming on to me" I said.
"It was one of the best days of my childhood besides the cold" said Fuli.
The boys continued to play until night rolled in and they came back in to go to sleep.

The Lion King:The Journey of Kion and Kopa Part 2Where stories live. Discover now