Goodbyes and Reunions

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Kopa POV
The more I traveled the more I realized that Leo and the gang wouldn't be custom to the Savannah but I remembered the oasis. I stopped the others did too.
"Kopa are you okay" said Fisi.
"Yeah it's just Leo how custom are you to the Savannah".
"Me and Lyra a little, lukio and lune have never been but it is a safe place".
"Well I don't think you should stay there if you aren't custom to it but I do know a place and judging by the star positioning the oasis isn't far".
"The oasis" said Fisi.
"Yeah when we were hiding from Kajor we hid in a jungle oasis, it's perfect for you guys and if Wazimu does attack he will never find you there".
"Okay if you think it's safe it won't be much different than our old home".
"Alright readjusting course oasis is this way".
We were in the outer grasslands just about to enter the oasis. It hadn't changed much. The main difference now was a small part was burned.
"Well discounting the burns this is it you guys will be safe here".
Lukio and Lune ran around.
"Thank you Kopa and Fisi, we would probably be now if it wasn't for your help".
"No problem Leo and if you ever need any help just go to that rock formation over there". I pointed towards pride rock.
"We will do that" they walked deeper into the oasis.
"Okay Fisi it is only a half days journey towards pride rock. I know everyone is still okay since it has almost been a 5 months".
"Sorry about that I didn't quite remember the way back here".
"Hakuna Matata".
"Uh what".
"Right it means no worries".
"Oh well I hope your brother made it".
"Him and Zeb both made it".
I heard Fisi whisper "good Zeb's okay".
My appereance was still bad. I was thin and had dark rings around my eyes. It was sunset when we reached pride rock and I was exhausted. Kion and Zeb were talking just outside of pride rock. Kion walked in the direction of his cave. Zeb turned in our direction and Fisi noticed.
"Zeb" she exclaimed.
"Fisi" he said. Fisi tackled him to the ground over joyed to see him. She got off him and he noticed me.
"Kopa your'e okay a little thin but okay".
"Yeah your family was quite nice once Fisi and told the truth. Everyone even your mom casted out his name from the kingdom".
"That's good to hear, hey I am sure everyone will love to see you especially Vitani and Malaika".
"Right". Fisi stayed with Zeb. They both continued to embrace once I was gone. I walked over to our cave. No one was there so I decided to try Malaika's speak spot. As I neared I began to hear voices. I crouched down and peered through a bush. Tani sat next Malaika as Malaika gave her speech to me. She was just finishing.
"I really hope he hears my messages momma".
"He does sweetheart".
"It sure doesn't feel like it sometimes" she almost began to tear up. Vitani comforted her by leaning down and nuzzling. I walked out from behind the bushes.
"I may not hear them all but I sure do get them" I said. Vitani turned spooked by my voice. Her fear quickly subsided when she realized who I was.
"Kopa" she said. She ran over to me.
"The one and only". She nearly knocked me down with her loving embrace. She showered my face with licks. Malaika slowly walked over to me. Vitani began to nuzzled me.
"You're okay, You're okay" she kept saying.
"Yes I'm okay Tani".
We both noticed Malaika sitting very still in front of us.

Third Person POV
As she looked at her parents sweetly embracing at their long awaited reunion Malaika began to remember the day her dad and uncle would discover their fate.
"Wake up little angel" said Vitani.
Malaika didn't respond. She was suddenly lifted off the ground and on to her dads back. She opened her eyes to see a dark brown mane and mocha brown furred male lion nuzzling her. She remembered what she had said that day and was ready to blurt it out. Then it was filled with annoyance but today it was joy.
"Daddy" she exclaimed as she ran up to Kopa and nuzzled him.

Kopa POV
"Malaika" I said as she plowed into me. It seemed she remembers me.
"You have grown so much sweetheart" I said.
"And you still smell the same" said Malaika.
"Oh yeah and what is that" I teased.
"Mangos" said Vitani.
"I don't smell like mangos".
"Yeah you do" said Malaika. We laughed.
"Ooh I will go tell Uncle Kion and Msomi that you are here" said Malaika as she ran away.
"Who is Msomi"
"Kion and Fuli's son, he is half cheetah and half Lion".
My exhaustion kicked in and I fell to the ground. Vitani paniced.
"It's fine, I'm alright".
"Kopa look at you, you are super skinny and physically exhausted".
"You sound like Fisi and Sarabi".
She raised a brow.
"Fisi" she said.
"She is Zeb's mate, she helped me find my back".
"Wait you spoke to Sarabi again".
"Yeah she showed me a message from both of you" I paused. Vitani leaned down closer to me.
"So you were there when I thought I had seen you".
"I think so".
She nuzzled me.
"Tani I'm sorry I should have never volunteered to leave".
"I will never leave you and Malaika alone here like that again".
"Kopa I know why you did it, you saving us from what could have happened. We avoided a war because of you".
"Yeah and hopefully we can have a break from animals trying to kill us"
She chuckled.
"Yeah when warthogs fly".
"I never had respect for Kajor but after seeing his family and kingdom I will never ever have any".
"How was his family".
"Well all the hyenas seemed prim and proper more like us lions. All except Zeb's brother who acts similarly to Kajor".
"And they didn't try to kill you".
"They did but I managed to persuade them not too and I also had help from Fisi and Zeb's statement's about Kajor helped out as well. Once Zora Kajor's mate found out what really happened she broke out in tears that her mate had truly been this vile hyena. When I left she promised to make sure Wazimu never learns of Kajor's death".
"Who is Wazimu Zeb has talked some about him".
"An even mor evil version of Kajor".
I continued to talk to Tani as the cool Savannah breeze lulled me to sleep.

The Lion King:The Journey of Kion and Kopa Part 2Where stories live. Discover now