Kopa and The Jungle Emporer

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Kopa POV
I had decided to wait until I was back in good travel conditions.
"So tell us more about yourself Kopa" said Zora. Her, Rozu, Nira, the girl from before who defended me, as well as a few other hyenas and a parrot sat in circle eating gazelle.
"Well I met my mate when I was young and recently rekindled our love and had a beautiful cub, her name is Malaika".
"That's wonderful what does she look like" said Zora.
"Well she is pale colored almost white".
"Wow she sounds alot like the Jungle Emperor" said Nira.
"Who is that".
"Well let's start off like this, in these lands there multiple kingdoms, the lake, mountain, marshland, and jungle. Wazimu and I split the mountains and the jungle is ruled by Leo. Leo is an all white jungle lion" said Zora
"What's a jungle lion".
"They have slightly different features to them that let them live in the jungle better".
"But who is Wazimu".
Everyone froze.
"He is Kajor's older brother, he taught Kajor everything he knew. If Wazimu learns that you and the pridelands killed his brother he will won't keep your friends captive he will just kill them".
"Does he know"
"I don't think so".
"Then I need to get back to my family as soon as possible" I got up ready to leave.
"Wait Kopa you can't leave just yet you weak and ragged".
"I can't risk the lives of my family".
"Okay then we will try to keep Wazimu from learning about this and help anyway we can".
I began walking down the mountain back in the direction I remembered from before. Suddenly I heard my name being called.
"Kopa wait" I turned to see that hyena girl from before.
"I will guide you back, my name is Fisi".
"Okay since you know this place better than me lead the way". As we were walking I decided to break the ice.
"So why did you help me before".
"Well my friend Zeb he told about Kajor's true self before but I didn't believe him, why I saw the prides and your family I believed him. He told me to go back and convince Queen Zora that he was right and it worked".
"Well I don't know if he is alive anymore...along with my brother".
"Well he did say he was going to lead you guys back to the prides, that's also why I am helping you. So I can see him again".
"Oh I see your his mate".
She blushed.
"Well I...I...don't know if he...if he".
I laughed
"Calm down Fisi I am just teasing you and besides by the way he talked about you I am sire he thinks that way." She looked down still blushing. A silence fell over us as we before I spoke again.
"Maybe the Leo can help us, do you know how to reach him".
"Yeah come on follow me".
Fisi lead me on a few days journey into the jungle but a massive rain storm brewed and bellowed. It sent around lost and confused in the jungle. I aimlessly wondered around for nearly a month trying to find Leo.
"Fisi that caused us to get lost let's just get back on track of heading home".
"Okay then..." she looked around almost confused before finding her way.
"That way" we took off again out of the desert this time. We walked for a few more days before I fell to the ground.
"Kopa are you Okay, oh who am I kidding no your not you haven't slept or ate in days".
"I'm okay I just need..." I tried to stand before I before I fell again.
"Stay down I will get you something to eat". She ran away. I saw a pond. I crawled to it and began drink. After I had a bit to drink I began to regain some of my strength. I walked back the tree I was under when I heard a rustle in the bushes. I turned to see an odd bunch of lions.

"Don't be alarmed we don't want to harm you" said the male white lion

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"Don't be alarmed we don't want to harm you" said the male white lion.
"Wait are Leo". Him and his mate looked at each other.
"Yes" he said.
"Wait if you rule the jungle then why are you way out here".
"We were ran out of our kingdom by Wazimu, but what is a Savannah lion doing here".
"I was captured by Zora but she let me go after she heard what terrible things Kajor did".
"So you have met the hyena brothers".
"Well one anyway, Kajor, but he is dead now".
"That explains why Zora runs the south mountain" said the female.
"Oh my name is Kopa I'm from the prides".
"Well you know me already but this is Lyra, Lukio, and Lune". Suddenly Lyra fell to the ground. Her body was covered in purple spots. It was the plague
"Lyra are you okay" said Leo.
"I think she has the plague".
"Kopa I'm...Leo" said Fisi.
"Do you know how to cure her".
"I think so, I was once in a human facility and they treated this disease on so many animals. If we had the contents of it then I should be able make but will have to be fast".
"Okay what do we need".
"First some tuliza, then an African rose, and then finally some honey from  a bee hive".
"I will get the rose" said Fisi.
"I will get the honey" said Leo.
"I will get the tuliza" I said.
I looked around for some. I was still weak from the lack of food. Luckily tuliza wasn't that far. I grabbed some then headed back. I grabbed a banana leaf and placed it on the ground near Lyra. I smashed the tuliza and let it set on the leaf. Leo and Fisi came back with their items. Leo spread the honey out on the leaf the Fisi crushed the rose and set it down too. I mixed them together then it formed a yellow pink liquid.
"Lyra drink this" I said.
She weakly moved her head forward And drank most of the cure. She laid her head back down and fell asleep.
"Now she needs rest".
"Thank you Kopa".
"No problem, hey didn't you say you were ran out of your home".
"Yeah we were we have wandering around for awhile now".
"Why don't you come back to the prides with us".
"We wouldn't want to intrude".
"You're not intruding it would a pleasure".
"Alright thank you Kopa"
"You're welcome".

The Lion King:The Journey of Kion and Kopa Part 2Where stories live. Discover now