Backstories Part 1

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The Story of Zeb

My first memory was my birth. At first there was nothing but darkness. Suddenly I was moving but still dark. I was no longer in an area of warm and moist I was in area of wind and soft itchy grass. Suddenly my eyes opened and my ears began to listen.
"Look Kajor his eyes are open, Zeb's eyes are open".
A large hyena which was my father looked me in the eyes.
"He is different than the others".
"What do you mean" said who I believed to be my mother.
"He looks just like your father, the others look like me".
"Kajor he is as much your son as Rozu"
"Well he doesn't look like me". Kajor walked away.
"One day you will be normal Kajor I know that rough side to you is just a persona" said Zora "As for you little guy I think you are the cutest of the bunch, your my special little boy".

A few months later
I was now able to leave the den along with my brothers and sisters. I soon realized what my dad ment. I looked different than the others. My fur was long and a snowy grey/white color. My brother and sister where dark grey with spots and orange/red manes.
"Come on Zeb let's play tag" said Nira and Rozu. They were much larger than me.
"Hey you three don't get in anyone's way or cause trouble you hear" yelled Kajor.
"Okay daddy" we said.
"Especially you Zeb".
We chased each other around for awhile all through our mountain kingdom. We separated after awhile to go our own ways. Of course they didn't tell me we were so I spent an hour looking for them when I ran into a crying striped female hyena.
"Hwey are ywou lowst" I said.
She looked at me
"Ywes I can't fiwnd my momma" she said.
"Well we hwave simiwar problems. I can't find my bwober and swisder".
"Hey aren't yow pwince Zeb".
"Yweah who awe yow".
"My name is Fisi".
"Okay Fisi let's pway a game, it will take ywour mind off of it and we may be cwoser to finding your momma".
"Okay what will we pway".
"How awout... tag your it".
"Oh yow can't run fwom me" she said as she chased me. We ran for hours. Eventually we tumbled down a hill at the bottom she landed on top of me.
We laughed
"That was fwun" said Fisi
"Yeah mwaybe we can pway tomorrow bwest fwiend Fisi".
"Let's gwet back hwome". We walked back to the main caves that we lived in. Fisi saw her mom and ran to her.
"Momma" she said.
"There you are Fisi I have been looking for you all over, I'm glad you are okay".
"Yeah I was pwaying with my new fwiend Zeb".
Her mom looked at me.
"Zeb thank you for finding her and your father is looking for you".
"Owkay" I said as I walked away.
Father was pacing back and forth
"There you Zeb follow me" he lead me behind the cave.
"Poppa what do you..." I started. He slapped me across the face.
"Now you listen here never and I mean never go out without telling us where you are going again, your mother would kill me if she found out".
I sobbed rubbing my cheek.
"Yes Poppa".
"Don't call me that you don't look like me so you can't call me that, I am just your male guardian". He walked away. I ran into the cave past everyone. I went as deep as I could go. Once I was out of ear shot I cried my eyes out.

A few more months later
A strange lion named Scar showed up and filled my father's head with promises my mother never knew about but she would listen if I told her. I was now and older cub not a baby.
"You better follow through scar" said Kajor as he turned to see me.
"What are you doing boy".
"If you tell anyone this you wil... "
"No one will believe me anyway" I walked away.

A month later
Kajor left to claim his gift that Scar had promised. Even though he was Rozu, Kajor 2.0 was still there tormenting me. Days and months went by and Kajor never returned. I was happy about it while momma was worried.
"Your father should be back now" said Zora.
"Well he isn't but I am not worried I'm glad he is gone".
"Zeb how dare you talk about your father like that".
"Why he beats and hates me already so why can't I".
"Because he is your father and you will respect him".
"I thought I was your special child momma"
"Not while you are defiling your father's name with those accusations". I ran out. How could my own mother not believe me.

2 years later
The beatings and abuse continued but from Rozu. I never knew why and well I still don't understand why Kajor hated me. I guess it was that I did look like him. I tired to tell people he was evil but no one listened except for Fisi even though she didn't believe me at first. I was sitting under a pine tree sobbing. Rozu had just clawed my face for not meeting preaching the good name of our father. It wasn't a deep wound. It was hard enough to hurt but didn't leave a scar like most of his attacks. Fisi walked up to me and sat down.
"What's wrong Zeb, you aren't lost are you she laughed".
"No" I said.
She frowned.
"What's wrong" she said.
"Nothing that you would believe, no one believes me".
"Zeb your father isn't that bad of a hyena, I mean not like Wazimu".
"You wouldn't know him anyways, you don't live with him or are forced to do his bidding"
"Zeb what's really wrong".
I turned to look at her. I still had missing fur on my cheek and scratch marks even though it wasn't a scar.
"That's what's wrong with me, I am never good enough for Kajor or Kajor 2.0 better known as Rozu and I can't talk to any one about it because nobody believes me".
"No Fisi all you will tell me is that Kajor isn't evil so I won't even bother you" I started to walk away.
"Zeb wait" I kept walking. Momma has now called a meeting.
"Alright everyone  I have just received word that our King Kajor has been killed by two lions of the pridelands, Kion and Kopa. We will now send a party of hyenas to go retrieve them so I a can speak to them and hopefully avenge our king. Rozu and Nira will lead Zeb and Fisi you both are next in line to go. So next to go is...".
Momma finished the meeting and we were on our way to the prides Fisi kept trying talk to me but I ignored her. My best friend had not believed and that hurt me. As we neared a clearing in the jungle we stopped for the night. I lay alone under a tree with my head in my paws. Fisi stared from a distance before coming over to me.
"Can I talk to you for a minute".
I looked up to her.
"You won't believe me but what ever".
"Zeb don't act like that".
"Like what Fisi, someone who suffers at the paws of a monster just because I'm not like him then has that cares enough about him to believe his story".
Fisi sadden.
"Zeb...I do care for you your my best friend but Kajor has no...sorry didn't do anything wrong to any of us".
I didn't respond.
"Zeb you were there for me when no one else was and I want to be there for you but..." I looked at her.
"What do you think I claw my own face push myself down hills to bruise myself".
"No of course not".
"Do you think I am crazy".
"No of..."
"Do you see me as a failure to the royal family".
Fisk's voice weakened.
"No your not a failure".
"I must be for everyone to hate me so much".
Fisi teared up. She buried her face in my neck. That took me by surprise. I love Fisi and at the time more than she knew. I know she cared about me and didn't think I was those things but she didn't even want to try and believe Kajor was a bad guy. I think know why.
She cried deeply into my neck fur. I felt her tears pour down my shoulder.
"Your scared to believe me, you don't know what will happen".
She looked at me.
"I see your wounds and bruises and it hurts me, I want to help but I don't want to offend the king or queen. I don't know what will happen if I do".
"Awhile back I heard Kajor make a deal with Scar that lion that passed through. He promised Kajor the pridelands. When Kajor left he took a small army with him so my bet is that scar lost the prides and Kajor overthrew who ever was in charge. And seeing how long he has been gone I bet Kopa and Kion o er killed him take back there home. So if there is devastation in the prides then that should be enough to get you fully on my side and help me, so please Fisi I am begging you please listen to me this time".
"Okay Zeb". Her nuzzled/hug lingered almost like she didn't want to let go but sadly it ended and in a few days we confessed our love. Then we wouldn't see each other for a long time.

The Lion King:The Journey of Kion and Kopa Part 2Where stories live. Discover now