A Glimpse Into The Future

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Kopa POV
It has been a few days since Leo, Lyra, and cubs had joined Fisi and I. I haven't eat much and it has shown. I was way skinnier than before and I had dark tired rings around my eyes. I looked like what I remembered Vitani and the other Outlanders looked like before they rejoined the prides. Vitani no longer looked like that now. She had eaten enough and had gotten enough sleep

I missed her and our daughter Malaika. I will not rest or take to much time to eat when I could spend it getting home.
Fisi and the others noticed. We stopped in a grassland u derby tree to rest for the night.
"Hey Kopa can I talk to you for a second" said Fisi
"You need to eat and sleep".
"No I will not waste my time when I can get back to them now".
"Kopa if you keep pushing it like this then there won't be a you to return home". I paused and thought maybe one nap won't hurt.
"Okay Fisi I will sleep but make sure it's  not for to long". I laid down.
"Sure thing". While listening to the sounds of buzzing and chirping I feel asleep.

I woke in a golden field.
"Grandma Sarabi".
"Yes dear you must eat before you die".
"Can't that wastes time".
"Like Fisi said".
"Right but can't I just use my gift to heal myself".
"I am afraid not, the healing doesn't work on not eating and not sleeping".
I sighed
"What's wrong dear".
"I just miss my family and I feel like I am hurting them by being gone I mean I was the one who wanted leave, Kion was right I practically drug him along. What If they hate me for it".
"Kopa my dear there is no need to worry they still love you. In fact little Malaika has remembers you".
"What do you mean".
"I mean she knows you are her father but she doesn't quite remember you".
I looked down and began to sob. Sarabi placed her tail on my shoulder.
"Don't fret Kopa, look forward and you will see her now a few weeks after Kion's return. You will experience her thoughts as well as what she says."
I looked forward and suddenly my vision swirled and I was back in the prides. I looked around examing what had changed in the prides when I saw her.
She had grown, she was now able to walk long distances and no longer talked like a baby. She was walking and humming song that I couldn't quite hear. She sat at the edge of a cliff and looked out at the sunset.
"Hey daddy I know you can't hear me and I am just talking to myself but I want to. Today momma told me more stories about you. About how you risked everything to spend time with her. I think it was great. I wish I remembered what you look like or sound like but mama told me some things about your appearance. I'm not mad at you for sacrificing yourself because I know you did it help us. It took Momma awhile to understand that. Uncle Kion came back a week ago. He has told me things about you, about how much of a brother you were to him even before he knew you were his brother. I can't wait until you get back I have so much to tell you but you don't have to rush everything is fine now."
"Hwey Mawaika" cried a baby voice
"I have to go now daddy, I love you" she darted away.
"I love you too sweetheart".
"Now you know that she is fine  but now let's visit Vitani, come Kopa" said Sarabi. I followed her down the path and into our cave. Vitani lay alone in our den. Her head in her paws. She looked up at the night sky shining in upon our den.
"I have seen Malaika doing this so I should too. Kopa I hope you can hear this. I know you still are alive you are the strongest lion I know plus you do have that healing thing and you are really resourcful . I was mad at first and hated the fact that you would even consider leaving us even after I told you I wasn't but after awhile and hearing what Kion said made me realize that you were saving us from a greater evil. I just...I just don't want to lose you. You were and are the best thing to ever happen to me. You brightened up my childhood by being my only friend. You showed me that not everyone in the world was cruel. Then when you returned to the prides you showed me what it was like to love someone and what it is like to be loved. You are the light in my dark world". She looked down. Tears rolled down her face. I wanted to go to her, to embrace her and tell everything was going to be okay. She looked back up, her voice was now weak.
"So please Kopa...please make it home safe" she paused "Your brother is worried about you, he told me about how you you both were starving and were lacking sleep and how you both got into an arguement. He regretted the things he said to and he feels bad about leaving you behind. Kopa my love, my light please come home" she looked down again and I did as well. Suddenly the wind picked up and things started spin again. I looked back at Tani who was now looking directly at me with shocked expression.
"Kopa" she said almost like she could see me.
"Vitani" I said as I was brought back to the golden field.
"Now Kopa you have seen two of your family members that you love the most thoughts and they all still love, miss you, and want you home but don't want you killing yourself to get to them, so slow down, eat, and get some sleep" said Sarabi as I was brought back to reality.

"Kopa...Kopa wake up".
I shot up into a seated position. Fisi was standing next to me. Leo, Lyra, and cubs were just waking up.
"What Fisi".
"It's morning we should leave now if we want to get there quick or if that rest felt good we could wait".
I looked around then back at her.
"I want to eat something first then we will leave". Fisi smiled.

Vitani POV at sunset the previous day
I had been contemplating speaking to the sky like Malaika does. She thinks Kopa can hear and maybe he can so I should try it. I kay in the den thinking of what to say. I looked up at the sky and poured my heart out. After it was done I looked and sobbed until I heard a sudden wind blew into the den. I looked up. At the entrance to the cave a hazy golden outline of Kopa standing there staring at me.
"Kopa" I said.
"Vitani" he said as he disappeared.
Maybe it really worked, maybe he heard what I said. All I can do now is wait.

The Lion King:The Journey of Kion and Kopa Part 2Where stories live. Discover now