Chapter 24: Cast in Unity

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"Ruby, just how do you always find a way to get yourself into something?" I questioned.

It was the next day. Apparently, during the dance, Ruby walked out of the ballroom to get some fresh air when she saw someone up on the rooftops. The person caught Ruby's attention as they went to the Cross Continental Transmit System Tower, or CCT Tower for short. The infiltrator managed to escape from the CCT tower while fighting Ruby as Ironwood had entered the library terminal where the two were at.

"Eheheh, perfect timing, I guess?" She sheepishly answered.

Now, we're currently heading to Ozpin's office to discuss about the infiltrator last night. We would've been there faster if a certain someone hadn't pressed all the buttons on the elevator. Until we reached our destinated floor, I could only wonder what they were discussing up there in the headmaster's office.
*No POV*

(Ozpin's office)

"They were here... Ozpin they were here!" Ironwood exclaimed, slamming his fist onto Ozpin's desk.

"We are very much aware of that. Thank you, James." Glynda spoke.

"Fantastic, you're aware." He got out. "Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?"

Ozpin merely sat at his desk, trying to think of what had happened. Mars was there as well as he was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. The masked Huntsman stayed quiet as he checked on his Scroll.

"And what of him, Ozpin?" Ironwood gestured to Mars. "For all we know, he could be working with them. How can we be certain that he is an ally of ours?"

"Because if I was working with whoever you were speaking of, I would've made sure you've never met me before." Mars got out. "Considering that we have met, you've already had me under your radar."

"What does that have to do with proving that you're not some spy gaining information?"

"It's one reason. Would you like to hear the other reasons I have?" He questioned.

Before Ironwood could answer, a hologram appeared from Ozpin's desk as it beeped. The headmaster stood up from his seat and faced the elevator.

"Come in."
*Robin's POV*

We finally made it to Ozpin's office. The doors opened as we walked in. I was surprised to see Mars here as well.

"Ah! Sorry it took so long." Ruby apologised. "Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here."

"Definitely not an accident..." I murmured.

"Thank you both for coming." Ozpin spoke. "How are you feeling, Ruby?"

"Okay, I guess." She said. "I'd feel better if my bad guy catching record wasn't 0 for 3. Eheh..."

Her joke fell flat to everyone in the room. I just sighed as Ruby slowly gets the hint that this is a serious matter.

"Okay so that's the tone we're going for, got it..." Ruby meekly rubbed her neck.

"Ruby, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that I think that what you did last night is exactly what being a Huntress is all about." Ironwood assured. "You recognized a threat, you took action, and you did the very best you could."

"Thank you, sir."

His assurement does sound genuine. Much different from what I've heard from Glynda about him.

"Now, the general here has already informed us of the events that... transpired last night." Ozpin got out. "But now that you've rested, we were wondering if you had anything to add."

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