Chapter 35: Old Habits Die Hard

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Returning back to Beacon, I walked around the courtyard in search of Ruby and Weiss. Apparently, they left when the match ended and both Blake and Yang have no idea where they went.


I turned and saw Chiki running towards me with Mars following from behind. The little girl immediately jumped and clinged onto me, latching her arms around my waist and nearly making me fall.

"Woah!" I got out.

"That fight was amazing!" She exclaimed. "Did you see Team Juneepah win?"

"Chiki, Robin is an announcer, she saw the match." Mars sighed.

"Oh, right."

"You seem to enjoy their match." I chuckled.

I got Chiki to let go of me. I have to be honest, in this world where survival is necessary to live from the harsh reality and dark properties looming in every corner, there's always that one small shine of light that brings hope and joy to those who may fall under the shadow's grasp. To me, that light is Chiki. I mean, yes, I have my friends to help alongside me, but Chiki is a motivator to keep moving forward and help this world. Protecting and uniting everyone in a state of peace against the dark realms of this very land we live in.

"Were you looking for someone?" Mars asked.

"Oh. I heard from Blake and Yang that Ruby and Weiss left the colosseum when the last match ended." I spoke. "So I went to look for them."

"I see." He nodded. "Well, we can help you find them. I'm sure they're not fa-"

Just before finishing, his Scroll sounded. Mars quickly took out his Scroll and opened it before looking back at me.

"Hang on. I need to take this." He said, answering the call before walking a few feet away. "Hello."

As Mars spoke to the person on the other end of his call, I noticed Chiki staring intently at his Scroll. Perhaps she has never seen one since Chiki was from Menagerie.

"Robin, what's that light, flashy thing Mar-Mar is using?" She asked. "I see a lot of people have them as well. Why is he talking to it? Is there a tiny person in there?"

"No, Chiki." I spoke, taking out my Scroll. "This is a Scroll. It's a communication device that people use to contact others from a far distance. Every student here in Beacon has one and people can buy their own."

"Ooh… But isn't a Scroll one of those rolls of papers?" Chiki wondered.

"Um, no. I think you mean the kind we used to use in the past."

"Sorry about that." Mars got out, returning from his call. "But, we might need to find your friends quickly."

"Why's that?" I questioned.


"Oh! Hey, Robin."

Looking to the direction of the voice, we saw Ruby walking up to us. Didn't Blake and Yang say that she was with Weiss?

"Ruby, where did you go after the match?" I asked. "Also, where's Weiss?"

"Oh, that. Well, I followed Weiss to the docks wondering why she was so excited." Ruby answered. "Turns out, her sister came to visit."

"Wait. Weiss' sister is here?" I got out.

I've heard from Weiss that her sister, Winter, is a specialist in the Atlesian Military's Special Ops. I was told by her that Winter was originally the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company until she enrolled into Atlas Academy, which was also part of the Atlesian Military. She spoke highly of her sister and never mentioned a single fault about her. I guess Weiss really looks up to Winter then. 

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