Chapter 33: The Ember of Beginning

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A/N: *Sad piano music* It's time for Vol. 3 of Remnant's Tactician. I feel that the people who have watched Vol. 3 of RWBY definitely will skip most of the tournament fights because... well, they've seen it. Can we also have a few seconds of silence since this Volume began after the departure of a great man...

 Can we also have a few seconds of silence since this Volume began after the departure of a great man

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We will remember you in our hearts, Monty...

Now then, let us begin the chapter!

I made my way to the roof of the dormitory and made sure there was no way anyone could see me from up here. Most of the lights from the dorms that align to my position were shut. Even so, I can't be too careless. If anyone were to be awake and notice, someone's definitely going to start a panic if they notice.

"Okay, now to call for it." I got out, looking around. "Pegasus, can you hear me?"

Silence was what I got in response. Maybe I need to be a bit louder. I took a deep breath and was about to call once more when the mark on my left hand glowed. Not long after, I hear the sound of wings flapping from the distance. The Pegasus Grimm flew towards where I was and quietly landed on the roof. It trotted to me and started to nuzzle against my cheek.

"Ah, haha. Stop it." I chuckled, petting its head. "You're not really a bad Grimm at all."

It nickered in response. After I got it to stop nuzzling, I took out a peach from my coat. Honestly, professor Peach. I get that you want what's best for your students, but it would be better not to give fruits at the end of lessons. I'm not even sure if I could even give this peach to a Grimm. Do they even eat? I presented it to the Grimm as it looked curiously at it.

A moment passed before it took a bite of the peach. It seemed to enjoy it. I took out the pit from the peach and allowed it to eat the rest. I'm glad it liked the peach. Otherwise, it would be a waste to just throw it away. As I pet it, I looked to its wings. They were dark as the night, the feathers appear to be pointed with a bit of gleam. Soon, a thought came to mind.

"Hey. You wouldn't mind if I got on, right?" I asked.

It looked at me before nickering and moved forward a bit, lowering itself down and settled its wings. I was surprised it actually allowed me to ride it. I've never done horse riding before so this is my first time getting on a horse. Or rather, a Grimm Pegasus. I carefully placed my hands on its back before leaping a leg over and balanced myself.

Once I got on, it stood up so I had to hold on to its neck. The height wasn't too bad. It's surprisingly comfortable sitting on its bone plating, but to make sure I stabilise my centre of gravity was what's hard. It nickered, shaking its head a bit. Does it want me to pet it? I gently patted its head as it calmed a bit.

"This... isn't so bad." I said. "Hm... Now that I think about it, I can't just keep calling you Pegasus or Grimm. You need an actual name."

I pondered a bit while it slowly trotted around. I made sure to keep my hands on its neck just in case if I started to teeter to the side. What sort of name would I give to a Grimm Pegasus? I can't just name it based on what it looks or some random name I can think of. Let's see... While I was thinking, I notice that it was picking up speed.

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