Chapter 36

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Hey guys so (IMPORTANT) >>> K so if you have any suggestions for this book  I would love to hear them I am very curious to know your opinions and thoughts. If you want to message me with a idea for a chapter or point of view you would like to see I would appreciate it allot :)


COMMENT                            oh btw Charles is a part of the baby bunch :P the baby bunch consists of RAIDEN, DEIMITRI, VINCE, CHARLES, HUNTER, AND STANLY!


Chapter 36

(Charle's P.O.V)

I smirked down at Molly. God she was gorgeous. I gulped hoping she didn't notice my nervousness.
"Or should I call you mate." I said and walked away hearing her little gasp. I chuckled as I left the cafeteria and walked around the halls aimlessly.
"Hey Charles what are you doing walking around bro?" I turned and saw Raiden jog up beside me.
"Hey man and I don't know clearing my mind I guess." I replied pursing my lips. Raiden gave me a tiny smirk and scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

"What does Charles the player have any problems with?" He asked and I winced.
"Becoming a non player." I said bluntly. He snapped his attention to me and frowned.
"No way!" He exclaimed and smacked my chest. I grimaced and rubbed my chest.
"Calm down there Alpha." I muttered and he chuckled.
"Sorry but now way! You found her then?" He asked and  I sighed looking away.

"What I didn't hear you." Raiden said and I could tell he was smirking in triumph.
"I didn't say anything!" I snapped.
"You could start by saying something." Raiden suggested. I looked at him.
"Yes I found her." I told him. He smiled.
"Great who is it?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Liar!" He accused and I snickered.
"Fine Its Molly." I said. Raiden gave me a warm smile. He sighed and looked away.

"Don't f*ck this up Charles and that's a order." Raiden growled and I stood there shocked. Raiden never cusses that bad without meaning exactly what he is saying.
"I won't." I said. Raiden looked over at me and gave me a forced smile. I patted his back.
"Hey man don't worry she will come around trust me. No one can refuse your good looks and charm." I told him smirking, Raiden smacked the side of my head.
"Shutup Charles your such a *ss." Raiden said smirking and then walked away from me and into the cafeteria again.

I stared after him for a moment feeling bad for him. The only person he could never get tired of talking about is Sienna, the only person he actually admitted to loving is Sienna. I remember when he did that.
******************************************************************     flash back****************

I laughed as we all pounded down stairs. We sat down and Demitri and Vince started going at the video games.
"Hey Demitri?" Raiden asked. We all looked at him shocked that he asked and not demanded Demitri's attention.
"Whats up man?" Dem asked searching through the video games.
"I have a question." Raiden announced. Dem looked over and feld his arms across his chest.
"Okay spill it Alpha." Demitri said and Raiden looked around biting his lip. We all studied him for a second waiting. Stanly gave him a shocked look while Hunter and I raised a eyebrow. Vince watched him understandingly. Vince and Raiden have always been best friends for as long as I can remember.

"Do you think Sienna has any kind of interest in me?" Raiden asked hopeful. None of us have seen him so vulnerable at this moment in time. My jaw dropped.
"Your her mate she has to." Dem shrugged.
"Do you think she loves me?" Raiden asked watching him intently.
"Possibly." Demitri admitted.
"Damn." Raiden cursed.
"Why Raiden?" Vince asked even though he probably already knew.

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