Chapter 44

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Heyy guys so Enjoy here is your 44th chapter!




Chapter 44

I stared at the pretty black lace dress laying on my bed. I picked it up and ran my hands over the fabric. I was to make a speech for my pack and my sister along with most of the other deaths in the pack. I sighed and put the dress down. I walked out of my room and over to harley's I knocked on the door and waited.
"Come in Sienna!" Harley called. I opened the door slowly and peeked in. Harley was standing in front of the mirror staring at her reflection. She is wearing a blood red dress that has shoulder straps and reaches to just above her knee's. The dress has a cut out oval in the chest and a black ribbon tying around the waist.

It fit her perfectly. She turned to me as I took a step in.
"What do ya think?" She asked giving me a soft smile.
"It looks really good Harley." I said nodding and forcing a smile onto my face. Harley twirled around and then smiled at me.
"Thanks." She said. She played with the hem of her dress for a second.
"So uh what did you need?" Harley asked me.

"I was just coming in to see what you are up to." I said shrugging.
"Really? Sounds a little to innocent to me." Harley said smirking and I shrugged.
"Well sorry I guess I will just leave now then." I said and got up. I walked out of her room and shut the door. I was avoiding that damned dress in my room. The black dress was to be worn at my sisters funeral and quite honestly I don't want to go there yet knowing I killed her.

I went downstairs and l entered the living room coming face to face with my parents and my other siblings dressed in black. Harley was the only one deciding to wear a color to the funeral. My mother has on a long flowy black dress that reaches the ground. My father and Demitri both in tuxedo's. Joyce is in a black knee length dress that is low cut in the front with some silver beading running the neck line. I looked at the ground and walked towards the kitchen.
"Sienna shouldn't you get dressed?" My mother asked. I shrugged.
"Well we are going to be late." My mother said sighing at the end.

I nodded and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed some chips and ate a few but then sighed. I sooner or later have to go. I put the chips away and walked back out into the living room.
"I'm going to get dressed." I declared and walked upstairs to my room. Once up in my room and stared at the black dress. I sighed and went to the bathroom to curl my hair. Once I curled my hair I put on some makeup and then walked out facing the black beautiful dress that I have been dreading to wear ever since my mother had bought it for me yesterday.

I stripped down and then grabbed the dress ripping the tag off of it and slipping it on. I put my arms through the arm holes and then zipped up the side zipper. I went and looked at myself in the mirror. The black lace dress made me look really good. It flattered my every curve and my eyes seriously did some damage with this thing on. I had long sleeve's that's all lace and then black fabric starting underneath it around my chest. It made its way down mid thigh and black lace covered the black fabric under it. I have a pearl necklace on and some small high heels. I sighed.

I heard a knock on my door and looked over to see my mother peeking  her head around the door. She clapped her hands together and walked in looking me up and down.
"You look beautiful Sienna!" She exclaimed tears pooling in her eyes. I smiled slightly and looked down myself. I guess I kinda did but that's the least of my worry's. I picked  up my Que cards with my little speech on it. She looked at me again before choking on a sob and leaving the room quickly. I shook my head slightly and walked out of my room and downstairs. I saw everyone waiting for me at the front doors already ready to go.

Once I made it to the bottom step They opened the door and left filing out quickly. I followed them to the forest and I saw other pack members walking into the forest as well. We had decided to make a grave for everyone who passed in a near by clearing. It was a nice clearing but nothing as beautiful as my paradise. Once we walked there I saw a little stage that was set up for me and Raiden. Shaun isn't in his right mind right now to be worrying about any speeches. He is completely broken without Sandra. All he wanted to do was hold her dead body forever and protect her.

I felt extremely bad for him. I saw Raiden walking beside Shaun who just sat down and stared at the ground. Raiden walked up on stage and stood there watching everyone walk to seats and sit down. I knew I had to go up now because I saw Raiden surveying the crowd for me. I took a deep breath and walked quickly towards the stage. I got up the stage steps and then Raiden saw me. He stared at me for a moment and then smiled and I smiled a real smile back at him.

He came up and hugged me and I hugged him back.
"Your beautiful." He said in my ear and I smiled.
"Thank you so are you." I said smirking and he pulled back glaring at me. I laughed a little.
"Kidding don't worry you are completely handsome." I said smirking. He smiled and then pecked me on the lips leaving tingles behind.

He pulled away from me and faced the crowd. I saw our huge pack all seated and when I say huge I mean our pack has close to three hundred wolves. Most of this town is werewolf. The microphone turned on and I stood back while Raiden walked forward.
"Hey guys so I welcome the pack today. We are here today to remember those loved ones or fellow pack members maybe a friend or a foe but it doesn't matter whether you hate the person or you loved the person! What matters is that we are all here for support and are here to pay respects. I am deeply sorry for all of your loses and today I give you my respect. This pack means allot to me and I care more then you think I would. I am sorry for your loses. But we are a pack and packs stick together! Thank you for coming out and showing your respect." Raiden said finishing his little speech he came up to me and smirked.
"Beat that." He whispered and I frowned.

I walked forward with my Que cards my hands shaking and me ready to burst into tears. I looked up at the crowd and saw all the sad faces. They were sad because their family member, sister, brother, cousin, nephew, niece, mom, dad, best friend, or friend had died in a battle just for me. I figured I owe them allot more then a speech I had thought about and wasn't clearly from the heart. I dropped my Que cards and went to the mic. I took a deep breath.

"I do not think of any of you as pack members......... I think of you guys more as family. We had lost many brave people in our recent battle. It not only affects those who were close to one of them but the whole pack. The pack is one. We stand together. Fight together. Maybe even fight each other. But no matter what happens between you and a fellow pack member when it comes down to it you have that persons back, because not only will it hurt that family of theirs to lose them but the entire pack. In the past little while Half of the things happening in my life I was not expecting.

I was not expecting to become a werewolf at sixteen.
I was not expecting to have to move with a pack.
I was definitely not expecting mates to be real and very legit.
I was not expecting to be targeted by a crazy man who wants what I have.
Which I was not also expecting to inherit.
I was not expecting to change and become so cold and rude.
And I was not expecting that I was to kill my sister.
We are expected to expect the unexpected.
Lets just say..... I was not expecting this."


Read the epilogue you won't be dissapointed :D

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