Epilogue (Details on the sequel as well)

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OMG okay so this story has ended but that doesn't mean another one wont start. I am deciding to make a sequel in Harley's POV so be on the look out for that ones first chapter which should be coming out soon :) I do have other story's on watt pad check em out? Anyways I want to thank you all for being such great fans and being with me the whole way 100% ! :D anyways here is the epilogue enjoy!

Love Savannah/ BUBSTER_Na_Na_  :)



Mr.Venna: Mr.Venna decided to council and help those fellow pack members who had lost some one in that battle. He now is a pack therapist and is more happy now that he has talked to Molly. He quit being the principle.

Mrs. Tarlea: Mrs.Tarlea is still a arts teacher but now her and Sienna are more close then ever. Mrs.Tarlea has become one of Sienna's best friends. Mrs. Tarlea also found her mate who joined the pack and she is expecting a baby soon.

Karen (Sienna's friend): Karen decided after the battle to study to become another pack doctor.

Joey(Sienna's friend) : Joey has decided to become a formal pack fighter and a wing man for Sienna.

Carmine (Sienna's best friend) : Carmine had found her mate in another pack and he joined the pack. They have a wedding scheduled and Carmine couldn't be happier. Her and Sienna are very close still.

Molly (Sienna's bestest friend) : Molly has grown to like being a werewolf and has accepted the fact of not seeing her parents as often. Molly had recently visited her parents and things for them seem allot better. Charles and Molly are doing good as well and Molly is the person who is closest to Sienna besides Raiden.

Tyson (Sienna's Friend) : Tyson has decided to take the same path as joey and those two have become two of Sienna's most trusted fighters.

Maurice (Sienna's Friend) : Maurice has decided to become the packs accountant and just graduated and is in a college not to far from Crimsly.

Ben (Sienna's Friend) : Ben has followed Maurice (his mate) to the same town but different college. Ben wants to be the next principle for Crimsly's high school.

Eli (Sienna's Friend) : Eli has found his mate and brought her to the pack. He also wants to become a teacher or a pack fighter but is still deciding.

Tasha (Dana's best friend) : Tasha doesn't like Sienna but loves the pack and can deal with her enough to stay. She actually has told Sienna she is sorry and they made up. Tasha secretly doesn't like her still though. She found her mate and has stayed in the pack. She is expecting twins really soon but wants to stay in school.

Dana (Sienna's enemy) : Dana feels really bad for Sienna and has grown to like her and respect her as the Luna. Dana though found her mate and moved to her mates pack.

Sadie (Demitri's mate) : Sadie and Demitri have fully mated and had their beautiful wedding a little while after the battle. They are expecting a baby soon and plan on letting Raven (Sienna's mom) name it.

Stanly (part of baby bunch and Joyce's mate) : Stanly has gone to college to become a business man. His schooling is only to take a year. He left Joyce back with the pack so she could finish school.

George (Sienna's ex and Elles real mate) : George has gone to a convention suggested by Mr.Venna. The convention is to meet other mate less wolves that have lost their mates. There he found Tina who has officially joined the pack. George plans on spending the rest of his life with her. George has become to towns baker and runs the bakery now.

Hunter (part of baby bunch and Sienna's friend) : Hunter's mate ended up being Cathy and they are very happy together. It was a shock that they were mates to every one and themselves. After Raiden gave him a long talk everything was fine. Hunter is still in school but is graduating soon while Cathy will be in school for another year with out him.

Charles (part of baby bunch and Sienna's friend) : Charles and Molly are happy and Charles wants to become a trusted pack fighter for Raiden and Sienna.

Vince ( part of baby bunch and Sienna's good friend and Raiden's best friend) : Vince is the person closest to Raiden besides Sienna. Vince is the beta and takes his role seriously. He still hasn't found his mate but isn't going to give up looking.

Elle (Sienna's sister) : Elle had passed away in the battle.

Sandra (Sienna's mother in law and Luna) : Sandra has passed away in the battle and left the pack Luna less.

Shaun (Alpha and Raidens father) : After a 2 weeks of being mate less Shaun had locked himself in his room only coming out every so often. After about a month Shaun left his kids a note and then killed himself to be with Sandra and at peace again. The whole pack grieved and the Luna and Alpha positions were immediately given to Sienna and Raiden.

Cathy (Raiden's sister) : Cathy is still close with Harley and found her mate to be Hunter.

Raven (Sienna's Mother) : Raven doesn't blame Sienna for Elle's death at all but is still mourning the loss of one of her baby's. She now clutches and worries constantly over her children. Sandra's death has impacted Raven allot. Being best friends she is over comes with sadness but goes on and will never forget her.

Don (Sienna's father) : After losing his best friend Shaun and his daughter Don has decided to attend some counselling to deal with his sadness. He still is a happy guy but is grieving over the loss.

Derek (Sienna's first human boyfriend) : Derek Carry's on in his normal human life.

Demitri (Sienna's brother) : Demitri has decided to go to school so he can support his new family. He  is super excited about being a father.

Joyce (Sienna's sister ) : Joyce is counting the days down until the day she can be with Stanly again. Joyce is closer with the family now.

Harley (Sienna's favourite sister) : Harley hasn't found her mate yet but wants to. Harley and Sienna have become closer. Sienna trains Harley on her own everyday now. Harley still hates violence and cant watch action movies now.

Raiden (Sienna's mate and Alpha) : Raiden is very upset and depressed about the loss of his parents but Sienna is helping him get by. He refuses to go to counselling and is balancing school with Alpha duties. Raiden plans on proposing to Sienna shortly.

Sienna ( Luna and main character) : Sienna is now the Luna and she likes it but is still very upset about her sister and Raiden's parents. Sienna though going through all that is standing strong still. Sienna wont take counselling either with Raiden. Raiden and Sienna have built a loft cabin house in their paradise beside the water fall just beyond the Field. Sienna is excited for her brothers baby and is balancing school and her Luna duties as well. Sienna has a training session with Harley everyday and the whole pack twice a week. Sienna and Raiden are running the pack their way and it seems to be working out fine. Sienna holds a pack barbecue every Saturday night. Sienna's speech at the funeral has impacted the pack more then ever and now the whole pack is very close with one another.


So you guys the Sequel to "lets just say..... I was not expecting this" will be called "Lets just say .... the battle never ends (sequel to lets just say.... IWNET)"! so look for that it should be up soon and thanks guys for sticking with me and being great fans!







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