Chapter 6 - The Dance From Hell

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As I walking down the passage past my locker, everything in my head just kept replaying the events that happened here, the fire, the voices. Why did I have to be witch I mean really, I was perfectly happy being my awkward and nerdy self and now I'm a witch, life is just so unfair! I just hope Jacob and my mom are alright? They; including Sebastian and now Eric are the most important people I would always want to be safe and protected. With every step of my heals on the stone floor I can hear the sound echo through the emptiness of the courtyard. Everyone was probably in the dance hall getting ready to have a ball or they have already started which is so unknown to me because this is my first school function I am attending.

"Warn them" a soft whisper came from within my head. Oh NO! The voices are back. Shaking my head I tried to get rid of the voice. I kept saying in my head over and over again, "Go away!" As soon as I reached the dance hall you could hear the music blasting through the two wooden doors. I was about to enter a new territory for me, a dance. O Shit! I never asked Sebastian to teach me how to dance. My dad tried to teach me when I was little but that didn't go well. His feet did not survive my stomping on them constantly but he never complained. I do miss him sometimes. Other times I knew he would've disapproved about who I was turning out to be I mean would your dad be okay with you almost burning down the school, sass mouthing the King of all people and lastly launch a man through the woods without even saying a word. Yeah I would've won daughter of the year. Jacob and my dad always got along, they were the best of friends, but when our dad died, Jacob just changed.

Taking a deep breath I reached for the wooden door, feeling the cold of the door under my palm as I gave it a gentle push open. The party was on! There were different color lights shining and flickering all over the room. There were balloons on every wall I couldn't quite make out the color due to the colored lights. Everyone was either dancing on the busy dance floor that already smelled like sweat or they were talking in their clicks, which me and Sebastian were our own or lastly they were at the very large drinks table trying to get a plastic glass of spiked punch.

I walked past all the stench of sweat and dancing people I finally found Eric standing with all his jock buddies. For a couple of men who like to get dirty they sure know how to clean up especially Eric. I so badly wanted to go over there but instead I walked over to the large drinks table. The table was nicely placed out with water and the punch separate. I knew the punch would be spiked so I settled for a bottle of water. Taking the cap off I took a sip from the water feeling my body's stress level go down.

"Well, well, well, guess an ugly duckling can become a princess" A voice behind me stated. I turned around to be looking at Kate Have. The queen of mean and the high school bitch that was the cheerleading captain and she was also dating the wrestling captain, Jonathan Green. Kate was my height and weight with only black hair, brown eyes, tanned skin and to her plus side big boobs. She was wearing a purple dress that clung to every curve of her body with diamonds going down the middle from the top all the way down. I couldn't see her shoes but I had a feeling she was wearing extra high heel for she was a little taller than me at the moment. Staring at Kate made me realize why I never came to these things because I was an outcast and I was proud of not being able to fit in.

"Kate." I said taking another sip from my water before turning around back to the table.

"You have balls Katherine Hubs! First wearing a dress that no can could afford and second you had the balls to take Eric from my girls!" I placed my water on the table and started to walk away when Kate suddenly grabbed my arm. She had a very tight grip on my arm, pinching my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kate asked.

"Please, Kate. Just let it go! I don't want to be here and as for Eric, I didn't take him, he asked me."

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