Chapter 16 - The Awakening

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Sebastian? What happened to him? Why won't anyone tell me anything about him! I forgot about all the questions, of all the suspicious as soon as we all entered the tower. The tower where all my answers lie was the same tower that I escaped from. The tower where I used Merlin's own magical ability against him, which I am still very sorry about (secretly proud too). The hole in the wall I created was repaired, so fast in my opinion. Who even knows of this tower? I didn't even know it existed let alone could even see it. Ava called it the Mirror Tower. A tower built out of mirrors to hide itself for protection. Only a few know it's true location but according to Ava, only a witch with a pure heart will see the tower or a true guardian will be able to see the tower as clear as the light of day. Darklings will never be able to see the tower but Alex could see the tower. Merlin says it's because he has ancient magic running through his body making him the first official light guardian in over four hundred years. Merlin knew what happened to Alex but he doesn't know the whole story, all he knows is that I healed him not the fact that I brought him back from the brink of death and I wanted to keep it that way until I saw Sebastian.

As soon as we were inside, a deep and terrifying scream filled the tower, sending a massive chill down my spine.

"What was that?" I asked, looking at both Merlin and Ava.

Instead of answering me they both just turned to one another. I was led down a dark and musty stairwell that led to the basement. Just like the room I woke up in last, there was no windows but it was lit enough to light up every step so you don't miss anything. With every step my boots would make a sound as I stepped on the stone steps. We were about halfway down when another scream sent a chill down my spine. What the hell is that? It doesn't sound human or anything I have ever heard of. As we got closer and closer to the ground I could feel my heart beat getting faster and faster, pushing my fear up through my body. When we reached the bottom of the stairs I found a huge dark brown door with a golden handle standing in front of us. It was the only thing between me and whatever is behind it.

"Are you sure you want to see this Kat?" Ava asked.

"I need to know" I said.

Turning my attention back to the door, I slowly reached for the gold handle. Feeling the coldness of the gold under my hand as I gave it a good turn, hearing a click as I open the door. I have to admit it, I knew what laid behind the door was going to scare the living daylight out of me but the one thing I never could count on was that my heart would come to an almost complete stand still. Behind the door, chained to the brick walls was Sebastian. The silver chains were holding him restrained around the arms keeping him secure in one place. The sweat was dripping down his whole body making his white tank top stick to his muscular body. His blue jeans were ripped and covered in dirt from the small round brick room. His bare feet were almost black from the mix of sweat and dust. What happened to him?

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Barbie and Ken!" His voice was so deep, rough and filled with pure evil. What did they do to my best friend? I walked in a little more only to almost jump out of my skin when I saw his gold eyes staring back at me. His perfect face was full of sweat making his hair stick to his face and not in its usual style that Sebastian likes it.

His eyes then darted towards me, making my whole body stand on edge. Those eyes. There was nothing that I recognized behind them. No Sebastian, nothing!

"Oh! Look a big blond fledgling!" he snarled.

"Oh my God! Sebastian?" I whispered, hoping no one would hear me but Merlin did.

"He not Sebastian"

"Right you are Ken!" Sebastian snarled again.

Before I knew it my feet already dragged me out the room and up the stairs only to stop halfway. My heart was pulling tight, my breathing was getting shallow, I was having another panic attack. I thought after everything I went through these last couple of days I would never have another panic attack but guess my body had other plans. I was standing on the stone stairs hunched over trying to get my breathing under control when a hand touched my back. I didn't turn around to see who it was but when his brown eyes came next to mine I knew exactly who it was.

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