Chapter 12 - Dark Woods

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"God dammit light the bloody fire you stupid magic!"

I was seated in the middle of the woods looking like a complete blonde thanks to Sebastian, note to self, and slap the living crap out of Sebastian when I ever get back from this journey. If I ever get back. How did Merlin make this look easy using magic, even my dead dark side made it look easy?

"Gwen, are you there? I need some help?" I shouted into the complete darkness.

"Nothing? Really the one time..." I was still shouted when a voice appeared behind me.

"I never left"

Thank God! I am not alone anymore.

"Do you maybe know how I can create a fire?" I asked.

"Speak the word in Ancient. I know you speak it fluently. Good Luck."

And she was gone again but she was right. I took Ancient when I was in primary school and was fluent within a year after I started class. My father told me that its one fantastic language to learn especially when you need to study or go exploring in Camelot. I have never thought of speaking the spells in another language especially Ancient. I lowered myself onto my knees extending both my hands over the ground.


The magic flowed from body towards the palm of my hands. A light appeared under my palm when a spark suddenly appeared on the ground creating a flame within the ground. I jumped up with speed, cheering for I just casted my first spell.

"Whohooo! Go Kathy!" I yelled as I started doing my little victory dance next to the fire. I was so happy that I could actually get one thing right with these damn powers I have been given especially since they are now in sudden over drive. After my victory dance I sat down against the nearest tree waiting for the heat to make it a little warmer. I was still very happy about my little flame that was now burning a small hole into the ground. Around me the Dark forest was like I always wondered it be like, dark and creepy. The trees were large, covering the night sky from the moon and maybe even the sun. I have always wondered when the people say they walk in these woods and hear the voices from the fallen. Guess I will have to wait and see to find out whether they were speaking the truth about all this. It was maybe ten minutes after the fire was lit for the heat to have me all nice and cosy, soon after that I was fast asleep not even worried about what goes around me.

It was like the earthquake hit the trees all around me, making them all fall down one by one each getting louder as they fall on the ground. I jumped up from the ground where I was peacefully asleep a few second ago but who could sleep when the dark woods around you are suddenly making loud bang sounds. I was now standing much closer to my amazing fire I conjured up which I am still very proud of. The loud bang was getting louder and louder as if the noise was getting closer and closer towards me. Even through the complete darkness I could see the trees move one by one until it suddenly stopped. There wasn't even a sound just the wind passing through the woods.

"Who is there?" I yelled, waiting for an answer.

There was no answer. This was getting scary. Who was there? Or should I rather ask what is there since this is the dark woods. Instead I took a deep breath and lifted my arms up facing the palm of my hands towards the trees.

"Show yourself" I yelled again but even I can hear the fear in my own voice.

My heart not only skipped a beat but almost came to a standstill when the thing suddenly came around one of the trees. Larger than any door I have ever seen, looking down at me with that big one green eye. It had no hair but what do you expect from an ogre. Yes standing in front of dressed in brown leather clothes, holding a massive hammer was an ogre. He had normal looking skin but that one eye was a dead giveaway. He had on a brown leather waistcoat that clung to his huge muscular body along with his very tight brown leather pants and boots. I'm betting those were size 16 if I had a guess or even bigger.

Dark Magic #1Where stories live. Discover now