Chapter 13 - Mirror Tower

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It was like my lungs were filled with acid, burning all the air within my body. My eyes shot open to be staring at a big dark bedroom. On my left was a huge black cupboard that had very weird but very distinct marking engraved on it. The walls of the room was built of red brown bricks that must have extended all the way to the entrance where ever that might be. For some reason the only thing that did catch my eye minus the size and very limited items in the room was that there were no windows, at all. How can a room with no windows be this light and not be completely dark. It was still an old room though and you could see in within the walls and the grey granite floor but also in the furniture that was in the room. Nothing new would have those types of shapes in engraved into a wooden door. I tried to turn around to get a look at the other side of the room but an instant pain shot up through my body taking more air out of my body. I wanted to shout for help but just by opening my mouth it felt like I was on fire, what happened to me? Last thing I remember was the ogre's chasing me through the woods along with Igna. I remember the fire wall which by the way I am still very proud of. Who knew all that anger could build something so incredible yet so powerful. I was so proud of myself of casting that spell but then everything else is a blank. What happened after that? I tried turning again only to feel a gentle hand on my arm. My eyes moved to the origin of the hand to see a pair of blue/green eyes staring back at me. AVA! I have never been so happy to see someone especially now that I can't talk. Ava placed her hand on my forehead to see if I maybe have a cold but something in her eyes made me think otherwise, there was nothing. No concern, no fear, just nothing.

"Don't move, Kathy. Your body needs lots of rest." Ava sweet English accent was sort of soothing.

I opened my mouth, feeling the fire in my throat but I needed some answers so instead I pushed through the pain and asked, "Where?"

My voice sounded horrible, like it was seconds away from disappearing completely. What the hell happened to me after I passed out?

"Don't talk Kathy, your body had a massive shock and it needs rest. Close your eyes and rest. Trust me." Ava whispered.

She was right, my body felt like it went through a massive shock. Instead of being stubborn like I always am, I took her advice and closed my eyes. It wasn't long before I was asleep. Whilst I was asleep I could feel my body release the tension and pain that was bottled up within. I woke up a few hours later, I think it was a few hours later. There was no way in telling time since I had no watch, my phone was in my backpack and there were no windows. I slowly got out of bed, easing my weight onto the granite floor, stretching my body after all that pain. It felt good to release everything in my body. I'm just glad I was feeling like myself again but I was alone now, no Ava, no one. By the way where the hell is the door for this room. I'm starting to feel like Rapunzel trapped in her tower waiting for the evil witch to come and keep me company. Instead I starting walking around only to see what exactly I was sleeping on. It was a metal framed bed that had a huge double mattress on it along with two maroon pillows and a maroon duvet. . I have to admit it was a soft bed, even softer than mine at home. How can that be? I had a fantastic bed!

Walking around the bed a small metal table caught my eye in the corner. It wasn't the table itself that caught my eye, more the big leather bound book on top of it. As I reached the table my eyes studied the book. It was beautiful. It had a gold griffin engraved on top surrounded by a gold frame. Feeling the cold leather material under my fingertips, it felt like some of my favourite books back home. Yes I am nerd like I have said before, and I do enjoy reading, a lot. Picking up the book with my left hand it was very light compared to amount of pages it held for an A5 size book. Using my right hand my finger traced all around the gold edges until it stopped at a lock. A lock on a book wasn't that surprising but the surprising thing was it had no keyhole. So how do you open this thing? Tracing my finger along the gold lock I suddenly heard a click. Slowly lifting the lock I realized it opened itself somehow, not questing the miracle I opened it before it decided to lock itself again. As soon as the book was open I was beyond fascinated by what I found. The book I was holding was a grimoire. A book full of magic spells, enchantments and summoning spells. It was like a dream come true, I finally found a book that could teach me how to use magic and I was holding it within my fingertips.

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