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I assume they carried me out of the airport on a gurney or stretcher.

I woke up in what I am pretty sure is an ambulance.

This is not my first abduction rodeo, so I sensed around me with closed eyes. Same two guys, one on each side. My hands are bound in front of me. I listened to the sounds of traffic, and the two men conversing in a language I not only do not know, I am not even sure what language family it is from. I only speak three languages: French, Spanish, and English. A few German words picked up along the way and I am working on that language next. All the same root. I only spoke English before turning Vampire. Whatever this is, it is nothing like any of those.

I scented carefully by not inhaling deeply or quickly, forcing the air through my nose rather than my mouth slowly and evenly. I got nothing useful. Both men have guns but that is not a surprise. Gun oil and metallic scent. Both showered recently. My hearing says we are in city traffic, and that the men are wearing something that squeaks as they roll around from the movements of the vehicle. Patent leather probably, from the scent. I guessed gun belts.

I finally heard a word I understood. It sounded a bit like 'vampirey' but is obviously 'Vampire'.

They know what I am. Why they are doing this, of course. This is NOT good. This is deeply bad.

I made a large assumption. These guys are Human Purity Alliance. At least they are HPA aligned. When I was captured and tortured by the HPA before, they talked to someone somewhere in Europe. Their higher-ups.

These people knew I was going to be in Turkey and kidnapped me right out of the damn airport. That is all kinds of not good. The last time I was in the HPA's physical control, they tied me to a cross, beat me, Electrocuted me, a woman sexually molested and raped me including with an electric rod. For fun, they blinded me by taking a sample from an eye. Hell, they filled a small refrigerator with little parts of me they collected.

I felt fear trying to well up, and I stomped it out with a wave of frozen coolness. I am not going to be these peoples victim again.

I wonder how they know about me? Helen, Jessica, Morgan, and several members of the cleaning crew saved me last time and they killed all the HPA present and burnt them to ashes. We hoped then that the USA HPA did not tell the Euro HPA much useful. Perhaps that had been a vain hope, given where I am now.

Morgan likes to think she did not help because she was captured too, but she protected Angel and Vera, and when the time came, broke free and killed HPA members too before taking me down off the torture cross.

I was nearly dead at the time, so I did nothing. Just hung there.

I have not opened my eyes to see that it is an ambulance, but I know it is. I can feel the gurney sway. I smell medical things. These guys are on opposite sides of me where EMT's would normally be. Everything screams 'ambulance'.

I can see in infrared without open eyes. IR comes in via my eyes AND skin. It's not exactly clear, but I know exactly where the two guys are. Paying attention to that sense now, I can see they each have a rifle in their hands.

That is damnably stupid in this enclosed space.

I am OK with stupid.

I exploded off the gurney, and full Vampire force kicked the guy on my right in the head. He is wearing a helmet, and I lifted him off the ambulance side-bench and slammed him bodily to the corner to slide to the floor. Boy Vampires may not be as strong as girl Vampires, but my legs are still massively strong relative to any human. It may not have felt like getting kicked in the face by a backhoe, but it is at least as bad for the human as being punched in the face by a mule kick. The helmet did not help him very much.

The other guy is fast. Not standard issue Vampire fast and nowhere near as fast as I am, but fast. He started to try to bring the rifle level. He moved it to a couple of degrees off perpendicular when my shoe went under his chin strap and over his bullet-proof vest. I have killed with that particular blow before, but last time it was my hand that crushed the target windpipe. Since then I learned a great deal about how to fight ever more effectively.

I seem to attract more than my share of physical attacks, so Jessica, Helen, and Morgan would let it be no other way. Jessica and Helen taught. Morgan and I being physical equals spar. Tie my hands, I use my feet. I have sparred against Morgan, both of our hands tied. It was very much harder to not hurt her that way. Or her not to hurt me. It helps Jessica is a Doctor.

I meant to full-on hurt these two.

The guy on my left slammed his way into a cabinet on the wall, which popped open, and then gurgled his way on down to the floor. I looked at the first guy and saw he is out. He has a nice knife on his belt, so I availed myself of that, cut the zip tie on my wrists, and then looked to see if the driver can see back here. They technically can, through a small window, but are not yet paying attention. I can see through the front windshield that we are near some trees. A park-like area. Sidewalks. People. I assume we are going to be required to stop soon, for traffic. We may be in an Ambulance, but we are not running siren and lights to get people out of the way.

The ambulance must be a cover thing: how to get me out of the airport, but now we are in a sort of stealth mode, working our way towards wherever these creeps want to vivisect me again.

The guy I kicked directly in the throat is going to die in seconds. Collapsed windpipe. The shock from the pressure wave to his brain. He has a pistol, and a silencer is slotted into a holder on his belt. I found some rubber gloves in the medical supplies, pulled and assembled the pistol and silencer combo.

I took the knife sheath from the other guy. I studied their feet. The big guy is most likely close, so I pulled off his boots and tried them on. The boots are a little big, but I added the big guys' socks over mine and that seemed to work pretty well. I forced my murderous shoes onto the big guy, and then using the dead man's hand I shot the big guy. Any decent crime scene person would see this is all staged, but I am after delays, not the truth.

I am dealing with people that can kidnap people out of massive airports. I have no idea what resources are around me. Who is going to look into these two men's demise? Whoever that is, I want them to at least pause and ask themselves: 'what the fuck happened here?'.

By then, I will be long gone.

I looked around for anything useful, decided to take the rucksack off the big guys back. A quick look showed me some rations, a bottle of water, and spare ammo. I dumped the ammo out. I have no idea what the gun laws are in Turkey, but I am assuming having a gun is not good. I know they are very frowned upon in many Middle Eastern countries, and while Turkey is more Western than most, I know it is also culturally still also Middle Eastern. I am not taking a chance.

I pulled money out of wallets. I have none. I have no ID. Everything is back at the airport, and my wallet is missing. I could not find it anywhere with the dead men, so I assume it was dumped.

I grabbed a cell phone that is well charged from the smaller guy, a pair of Aviator sunglasses, and then I waited. When we slowed for a stop I positioned myself with the silenced gun, and when we stopped, I double tapped the driver through the slot. He is wearing the same paramilitary getup as the two back in the back, so I assume he is also a bad actor. Bulletproof vests and helmets are useless against well trained and terrified Vampires with guns at point-blank range. The neck is exposed, especially when you are not expecting it.

I consoled myself that if this is HPA, as it almost must be, then they have a far worse plan for me than sudden death. I already have been a victim of their hospitality once. I am not going quietly this time. Under my stoney cool as I worked to take useful things and kill people is unbridled terror. A cooler head prevailing over the top of stark panic.

I tossed the gun to the small guy to land near his hand, and then opened the back doors and casually stepped out of the van, closing and securing them. When they get around to checking gun powder residue, there will not be any. I don't have time to set this up better.

We are, in fact, near a park, so I walked onto the sidewalk, and at the first opportunity, went into the park. The park backs up to a forest. I looked over at the setting sun. France is north and west of here. I have little money and no ID.

I am going to get to France the hard way.

Fuck you, HPA.

Missing Vampire: Reward Available (Hypernaturals 6)Where stories live. Discover now