The Van

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"Liann! Over there, on the shoulder! That is one of the HPA vans!" I said, very excitedly, and pointed at the one and only van on this road as if she could not see it.

We drove from Claremont to Bulgaria. Now we are headed home. We decided to wait back in Claremont Castle rather than get a room in Bulgaria. Its not that far in a Van. Just on foot and over the many mountains.

All my new Claremont ID's are updated with my bearded face even. Amazing how fast you can get things like that done when you are working with Council and Crew. 

EuroCouncil is still rallying the global troops. Pacifica is giving them some shit over the fact that we are doing this on the word of a 'male'. It seems Pacifica has a problem with male Vampires. It is their opinion I did not go missing, but rather 'escaped' my parole officer and ran amok through Europe, biting humans as I went because that is how male Vampires not correctly controlled work. And where WAS my parole officer anyway, they wanted to know? Will she be disciplined for her failures? I infer that Parole is a long term thing in the Pacifica geo.

I am glad that is not my BS to deal with.

My former parole officer is sitting behind me in the third row of the van I am in, and rubbing my shoulders. She just invited me to join her in the back seat when I spotted the HPA van.

Liann slowed the vehicle, and we approached them slowly. They appeared to be out stretching their legs and running into the trees for (I assume) a potty break. One woman, seven men, dressed with insignia and bulletproof vests. Helmets off. No weapons in sight.

Helen, asleep on my lap sat up and blinked.

Liann said to the rest of us in her van: "I am going to go past slowly, stop, and walk back to see if they need any help. No weapons in sight, but everyone stay put. I want to scent these people. See if I can see inside that van."

"You want me to come with you?" Renee asked.

"No. Be ready though. If they draw down on me, remove the threat." Liann said.

Liann pulled over and got out. Renee readied a weird-looking rifle / pistol looking thing. I assume it is a pistol set up to shoot accurately at a longer distance? More of the EuroCrew's gunsmithing?

Morgan opened her side door a crack and leaned down next to it. I know she closed her eyes and is focused on listening.

Jessica kept a close watch out the back window and gave a running commentary. "Liann is walking up to the door side of the van, and waving 'hi'. They are waving negative gestures back at her."


"Ok. Now, this one guy held up a halting hand to keep her from getting too close. She is nodding."


"Now Liann is making gestures... I think she is asking directions to someplace?"


"Yeah. One guy is bringing out a map. Liann stepped farther back; changed her angle on the side door."


"Two guys are holding the map now and there is lots of pointing and gesturing."

"Liann asked for directions to the nearest Eurorail station." Morgan inserted.

"Ok. She is thanking them. Cheek kisses. Headed back." Jessica said.

Liann got back in, started our van, rolled down her windows, waved back at the other van, and rolled away.

"The nearest Train station is directly ahead about forty more kilometers." Liann said.

"And the hotel they are staying at is near it if you are so inclined." Morgan added.

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